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It has been a long day. I went shopping with Amara to buy the ball's dresses. Today was different... she was nice to me, like she always used to be in college. I took a sip from my drink.
"You look stunning today mi amora" He smiled
"Thanks" I smiled back at him
He held my hand from across the table and kissed it. It's time to tell him.

"So Babe... i wanted to talk to you about something" i gulped
"Sure, I'm listening"
"So um... I don't know where to start, uh" i sounded nervous
"Take your time, it's fine. You don't have to be nervous. It's me, your husband"

I took a deep breath.
"So um... i took a test. A pregnancy one. And it turned out that, i'm... pregnant"
That's it. I finally said it. I looked at his green eyes wide open.
"Are you for real or this is a joke?" He asked
"No, i'm for real"

He stood and dragged me in a hug i'll never forget.
"I'm so happy. You can't imagine... I'm going to be a father again. Oh God" he cheered
Amara was wrong. Sebastian was truly happy.

"Are you okay?" He asked
"Yea, i thought you'll be mad or-" i got interrupted
"For God's sake! It's my child" my husband explained
"We're going to raise our child together"  i smiled
Sebastian kissed me.
"That's a dream come true" he added "we should see a doctor, right?"
"Yea that's true" i chuckled seeing him so exited

I woke up today to the smell of pancakes in my room. I woke up as i looked around. Sebastian wasn't here. I approached my breakfast, placed on the desk next to a note.

"Good morning mi amora. I hope you had a good sleep. As you know you should feed yourself and our baby. Also, be ready for the ball tonight. See you My Lady :)"

I love him so much. After i finished eating, i went in the bathroom and took a bath. I feel so happy. I was drying my hair when Amara knocked on the door.
"Hey Val, the hair dresser arrived, if you would like to come to my room so we maybe can chat while they're doing our hair?"
"Oh of course i would love to" i smiled

We headed both of us towards the room. I sat down as Amara asked,
"So what's new?"
"I went to dinner with Sebastian last night"
"That's sweet" she said
"Well i decided to tell him that I'm pregnant" i announced
"Wait, did you tell him or..."Amara was surprised
"No i told him last night and he was actually so happy" i explained
"Oh, that's nice"

"Amara, aren't you happy to he an aunt for my child?"
"Oh" she smiled "of course"
"Yea... you know in life, unexpected things happen. It could be bad and good. But everything happens for a reason" Amara added
I looked at her as i said,
"That's true"

My phone rang as i got a message.
"Of course it's Sebastian" i thought
Oh. It's kelvin. What does he want?
K: so you're going to the ball?
I took a deep breath before i answered him.

V: yea i will
K: it's dangerous. I told you not to!
V: Nothing is dangerous when i'm with my husband
K: Your husband is dangerous himself, Valentina.
V: Kelvin, i'm pregnant with his child. Stop being ridiculous.

I turned off my phone.

Hours have passed and it was almost time to go to the ball. My hair, my makeup, my nails, everything was done. I just need to wear my dress.

 I just need to wear my dress

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I was all ready. I went downstairs to find Sebastian and Alexander in their suits, waiting for Amara and i.
"Mi amora..." he held my hand as he added "i don't think i will be able to take my eyes off you tonight"
"That's why i chose this dress" i chuckled

Father sent me to Paris to marry my boyfriend Alexander. And look at me right now, happiest than ever, wife of Sebastian Gonzalez.

"I'm ready" Amara walked in the hall with a white long dress
"You look pretty" i smiled
Alexander walked towards her and whispered something in her ear. They both laughed.

"You're dress is stunning sis. But for a second i thought it's your wedding dress" Sebastian explained
"Who told you it's not?" She smiled
"What do you mean?" I asked
"I'm getting married to Alexander tonight. We'll leave the ball at 11. The priest will meet him and i" she affirmed
"Congrats, i'm happy for you" Sebastian said
"Thank you"

We were all happy. I hope life always stays the same. Ever since i met Sebastian... life changed completely. It changed for the better.


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New book coming today: Satan and his lady in red

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