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"Calm down sis! She's my wife" i explained to Amara
"Amara..." Valentina felt ashamed
"Do they know eachothers?" I thought
"Bestie, why didn't you tell me?" My sister asked
"Um... i'm sorry I didn't mean to hide it from you" Valentina apologized

Amara glanced at us, then asked
"Does our father know about that brother?" She raised her eyebrow
"No he doesn't. You won't tell him. Will you?"
"Do you guys really love eachothers?"
"Alot" i said
"Then i won't tell him" My sister smiled and added "I will leave you lovebirds because i'm taking Liam out for breakfast"
"Wait hold on! I want to say good morning to him. You can talk to mi amora for a while if you want" i said
"Oh yeah! She has to tell me how you both met and lots of others stuff"

Amara was very exited. I looked at Valentina with a sorry look and left the room. With Amara here, it's going to be a bit hard. Valentina and i should act like we love eachothers, and that we're married. I entered the bathroom and washed my face. I looked at the mirror as i grabbed the towel.

"Don't fall for her. But her smile... no Sebastian! You know so fucking well what happened th-" my thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

I opened it and saw Liam.
"Oh son, good morning" i smiled
He hugged me tight.
"Good morning father" he smiled
"I have to tell you something"
"What is it?" he raised his eyebrows "
"If aunt Amara asked about the flight, you tell her that we came here with Sebastian's girlfriend Valentina, and when we arrived to the house, her and i got married then we all ate cake and it was so fun. Okay?"
He gasped.
"Oh, so we're playing our hide truth game? Like when you told me to act like your brother in the plane?"
"Exactly" i pat his head
I kissed his forehead.
"Now go to your room and tell aunt Amara that you're hungry"
He nodded.
"Is Valentina awake yet?"
"Oh yes she is" i answered
"Yay!" He ran to his room

It has been 2 hours since Amara and my son left home.
"Sebastian" Valentina entered the kitchen "we have to talk"
I started imagining her screaming my name and a smirk appeared on my face. She realized.
"What was that?"
"Oh nothing" i shook my head
"I told Amara that we met when i was in college in a restaurant. We took a flight with eachothers then we got married here" she explained
"Oh that reminds me. The priest will be here in 5. We have to sign some papers. Then boom! We get married"

"I have a question" she crossed her arms
"I'm listening" i took a sip from my coffee
"What do you do as a job?" She asked
"I don't work. It's from my father's money" i lied
"Do you have other siblings?"
"I had another sister but she died in a car crash, with my mother" i answered
"Oh I'm sorry"
"No don't be sorry, it doesn't matter" I pretended like I don't care
She sighed.

"Just explain everything to me. Your father, your family, your friends, just everything about you"
I can see that she was tired. Not physically but mentally.
"I have a bad relationship with my father. I didn't want her to tell my father because if he knew, he wouldn't accept. He doesn't want me to marry anyone" i lied again and added "i have bunch of friends and if she asked you about them, just say that you haven't met them yet"
"Okay" she filled a cup of water

"We'll start to sleep in the same room from tonight on" i announced
"Didn't the priest take so long?" she asked
Suddenly we heard a knock on the door, and here it is, the priest. I chuckled.

We're officially married. I went downstairs after i made my son fall asleep. I saw Valentina and Amara chatting in the living room.

"May i join?" I asked
"Sure" my sister smiled
I grabbed Valentina and made her sit on my lap, her blushing face, facing mine with a look of -what the fuck was this for- I smiled and kissed her forehead.

After few minutes of talking, Valentina fell asleep on my chest. I felt a weird feeling. She smelled so good and I couldn't stop playing with her hair.
"I got you" i mumbled
I held her bride style and looked at my sister.
"Welp, Goodnight Amara"
"Goodnight brother" then she added "we have to talk tomorrow morning"
I nodded and went upstairs.
I laid Valentina on the bed and covered her.
"Don't be stupid Sebastian" i thought

I grabbed a pillow and a blanket then then laid on the sofa. Valentina and i were both asleep now but i got woken up by a noise. I opened my eyes and turn my head to see her moving around on the bed, sweat glistening on her forehead, her eyes squeezed shut.

"She's having a nightmare. What should i do-" i thought
Suddenly my thoughts were cut off by a loud gasp and Valentina quickly sat up. I saw her put her head between her hands, her breathing still heavy.

She got up and headed towards our room's bathroom. She turned the water on.
"She's having a bath" i mumbled
I approached the bathroom's door and opened it.
"Why did you leave me alone in the room mi amora?"

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