Chapter 13

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 Hey guys! I just wanted to say that I love all my fans and readers! You are all the best and make me want to write all the time! Speaking of time, it’s something I don’t have a lot of now days. Track just started Monday, and I have had practice everyday and it’s conditioning so it has been killer. So every time I want to write! I don’t because I’m too tired, so I’m really sorry about that!

Chapter 13

Bella’s Pov

My knuckles whitened as I gripped the steering wheel; making me, wonder if that was even possible. I dismissed the thought from my mind and went back to driving. Hours had passed, we all just kept driving, that is all we have done for the past 6 hours. Drive. We have to stop soon, I can’t stand being in my car for this long, it might have super comfortable seats, air conditioning, hidden baggies of blood, and high-tech equipment, but it’s still nothing like being outside. I loved the feeling of running through the forest, free and alive, just my feet running on the soil and the wind whipping through my hair. It’s an exhilarating feeling, and it never gets old.

Smiling to myself I call out to Jasper with my mind, knowing he will hear me because of our mind link, ‘Jasper, When do we plan on stopping? I don’t know how much longer I can stand driving.’

I see him swerve a little closer to my car on his bike, ‘Wow there! Beautiful car there!’

He swerves a little closer while chuckling, ‘Sure Sure. Whatever you say. Well we should be stopping soon, as a matter of fact...’ He finishes right as I get a call on my cell phone. ‘Nice timing, Jazz.’

Answering my cell, I flip it open, “Hello?”

“Hello Bella, we are going to be heading down a small dirt road about a mile ahead and turning off that road so we can hunt and get some ‘rest’.” Carlisle says, his voice projecting through the phone.

“Sounds good, I didn’t know if I could stand driving any longer. Oh. Carlisle?”

“Yes, Bella?”

“Is there a variety of animals around here?” I really hope there is because in Forks there is only a small amount of animals and having the same thing gets boring after a while. I need to change it up sometimes.

I can almost hear the smile in his voice as he responds, “Yes, there does happen to be a wide menu”.

“Thanks. Bye Carlisle.” I say smiling.

“No problem, Bella.” I snap the phone shut, ending the call and start looking for the dirt road, looking around I spot it off to my right. Slowing down a little bit, I change gears and turn down the road following everyone else. We drive down the road for 4 minutes before showing up if front of a large log cabin house. It was surprisingly beautiful and well kept for being in the middle of nowhere. It was made of beautiful mahogany wood with dark gold lining around the edges and was about the size of a two-story house easily. It was, easily, the largest log cabin I had ever seen, and what amazed me is the fact that even after being around the Cullen’s this long, this beautifully simple log cabin can still amaze me.

I stepped out of my car and shut the door, wondering where Jasper was. I scanned through the line of cars until I spotted his motorcycle and walked over to him while he was taking off his helmet.

“You never cease to surprise me, Dad.” I say hitting him on the back lightly. He turned around while hanging his helmet on the handlebars of his motorcycle and smiles at me lovingly.

“Well that’s my job isn’t it? To surprise is to ruin the enjoyment of the moment as the famous one once said.”

I raised my eyebrow at his comment, “Famous one? And who would that be exactly?”

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