Chapter 4

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Hey everyone Tomorrow's My B-Day! So I am verryyy excited! I'm glad I'm posting this chapter today because I feel like I haven't updated in forever! I've missed you all so much! Well Vote and Comment! Even if it's just because it's my birthday tomorrow!

4th Chapter

 Emmett's POV

The burning sensation in my throat reminded me of my thirst and I decided that I should go hunt. Maybe I'll find some grizzlies this time.

"I'm going to go hunt some grizzlies, have some fun everyone. Except for you Eddied Boy, your imaginary girlfriend can't comeover today. Sorry." I said acting sympathetic at the end. He growled in reply and just continued to glare at me

See Eddie? I'm always right. So listen to papa Emmet..I thought to him.

"No, you are childish, annoying, and addicted to sex." He replied moodily.

"Don't be so moody bro at least I can get laid. Unlike a certain 108 year old virgin in the household." I said while looking pointedly at him.

My words must have struck a nerve somewhere in tha dead heart of his because the next thing I know he's pouncing at me with his face screwed up in a mask of rage.

"Welp, time for me to go. Bye." I said right before Eddie's about to crash into me, by the time he lands on the floor I'm already out of the house and in the forest looking for animals.

I look around and take down some small animals before taking down a deer for fun. But then I see a grizzly farther into the woods and I follow it.

"Hey big man. Come and get me." I taunted before running in the opposite direction. It ran after me and I just waited for the it to catch up. Then as it hit me, I flipped onto its back and threw it on the ground and then I dug my fangs into the bear's throat and drank it's warm blood. Once I was done I looked down at myself and saw that I got some blood on my new clothes. Oh great now Alice and Rose are going to murder me. Whatever I'll deal with that later.

I went hunting for a mountain lion and I finally found it, but my patience was worn thin so I didn't play with it. I just sunk my fangs into it's warm neck and drained it slowly.  Once I finished I started running back. I stopped when I hear something, sat down, and listened to my senses. Seconds later something was on my back and snarling, then the snarling stopped as quickly as it had began. Then I was suddenly flipped over onto my back. I came face to face with the girl who had been on my back and recongnized her as the girl from Alice's vision.

"Hi. I'm Bella." She held out her hand to help me up and I took it.

"I'm Emmett, but you can just call me Em, or Emmy Bear. Or Mett." I said thinking up all the possible nicknames I could have. Bella laughed quietly and it sounded like tinkling bells. 

"Well Em, nice to meet you. You go to school here?" She questioned.

"Yeah, I go to Forks High School. Go Spartans." I said half-heartedly, raising my hand up halfway.

"I just moved here a couple days ago. I love the forest, it gives a wide variety of animals." She said smiling. She eats animals like us, well that's good because now Carlisle won't have to worry about her killing any humans. I nod at her before looking around.

"So your the new kid in town eh?" I said to her.

"Yeah, my boyfriend, Ron, and I just moved here. So you could say we're the new kids, even though we aren't kids. Sorry for attacking you by the way. I thought you were a mountain lion." She said sheepishly.

"Ha It's no problem. I got to meet you so I guess it works out. Cause I have a new friend now!" I said to her.

"Well I have to go before Ron starts to wonder why I've been gone so long. See you at school, soon." Bella replied.

"Ok. See you at school, Bella." I said. I watched as she ran off as soon as soon as she was out of my sight I ran home and into the living room.

"Everyone get in the living room!", I yelled,and then noticed everyone was already in the living room.

"Yes, Emmett? I suppose this is important." Carlisle said calmly.

"You're right, Carlisle. It is important because I just met the girl Alice described in her vision. Her name is Bella and she's a veggie like us!" I said excitedly, happy to finally have news for the family. Alice and Jasper suddenly went rigid, and I stared at them confused. What's up with those too?

"You met her?" Edward asked angrily. Someone's got anger issues, jeez.

"Obviously, Didn't I just say that?" I replied speaking to him like he was slow. 

"How did you meet her?" Rosalie asked. Oh this should be fun explaining. 

"I was out hunting and I was heading back towards the house when I thought I heard something. So I stopped and got into a crouching position to listen closely, but a second later there was something on my back. Which turned out to be Bella, by the way. We talked for a little bit, and then she had to go home to some guy named Ron because he was expecting her home." I said slowly enough that everyone could understand.

"That bitch attacked you? I swear I'm gonna kick her-" Carlisle silenced her with a look.

"My opinion is that we should just leave her alone. We don't know her and we don't know what they want. So they could be dangerous.." Alice said persuasively. Jasper nodded in agreement with Alice's statement and pulled her close to him.

Something really weird is going on here and I have no idea what it is, but I will find out. I will.

Edward seemed to be thinking long and hard, Esme was thinking also, Jasper and Alice seemed sad, scared, and ashamed. Rosalie seemed to look pissed because Bella attacked me. Or maybe she found out about the heels.. let's not think about that. Carlisle just walked back down the stairs with an amused look on his face.

"I just did some research and it appears that someone else has just bought a house in the forest also recently." Carlisle said and that seemed to bring everyone back to reality.

Hope you all enjoyed that chapter, well I'm off to my pre-birthday celebration! lol Vote and Comment for me my little ducklings :D Love you guys <3 Out. XD

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