Chapter 12.

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Hey Everyone I love your comments and I want more! I just love reading them so write! The Lovely Cover was done by Live_Laugh_Love96.(For my old cover)  The credit goes to her for spending her time and making it for the story. Thank you again! I'm so Happy right now at 2am for no reason! I wish that I had all of the people that read my first chapter on the rest of my chapters :D

Chapter 12

Bella's POV

They all looked at Jasper and I shocked, and I myself was shocked, Jasper had never told them of Jace? Well I guess I can see the point in it, the more they know the more danger they are in. He loves them too much to put them in danger, especially Alice. He loves that little pixie more than she knows, and sometimes I think she doesn't deserve my dad, but then I see them look at each other and I know they are soul mates. I think Alice was more hurt than shocked, he didn't tell her about his own brother, I can see why she would be hurt. I have a feeling they are going to be having a BIG talk later.

"Jasper, how could you not tell us that you had a brother?" Esme said softly, barely concealed hurt in her voice. Jasper looked down as if ashamed, which he should be.

"Esme," He stopped looking at everyone else, "and everyone else, you have to realize that I wanted to tell you, but if I would have told you I would have put you in danger and you should know that I can't do that. You are all my family and I love all of you, which is why I did what I did. I hope you can forgive me." He finished off looking at Alice, knowing it hurt her the most, and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt his true love. I would know, I'd done the same thing, and regretted it ever since.

"It's ok Jasper, don't beat yourself up over it, I bet we all understand, any of us would have doe the same thing." Rosalie said with tears that would never shed in her eyes. Emmett put his arms around her waist and hugged her from behind, comforting her.

Edward nodded and spoke, "As much as I hate to admit it, I agree with Rosalie. We all have our secrets, and our reason for keeping them." Everyone nodded their heads in agreement and looked at Carlisle, as if expecting him to say something.

"So what does this mean, Jasper? Why is your brother so dangerous?" Carlisle asked Jasper.

I spoke up before Jasper could answer,"It means that we have to leave. We are no longer safe here, Jace has friends in many different places and will be able to track us very quickly. He is one of the most powerful vampires I know, his gift is... something he shouldn't have. He is ruthless and cold he doesn't care who you are, he will kill you if you get in his way. Thats why." I said my voice going cold at the end as I remembered the things he did.

"She's right, everyone needs to go pack their essentials, a couple outfits that are fit for traveling," He said his eyes cutting to Rosalie and Alice who looked away innocently, "and get all of the blood we have stored up, also grab some money we might need it, make sure it's cash we can't trust using out credit cards." He spoke quickly and clearly, making sure everyone understood. We all nodded in understanding as he looked at us. I got up to leave when I heard Jasper say one more thing behind me.

"Be careful everyone, and meet back here in eight minutes."

I started walking towards the door, and I felt Ron slip his hand into mine. "Let's go." I said to him and we took off towards our house as fast as we could. Our house was only a minute through the forest so we arrived there quickly. I slowed down into a walk and opened our front door, walking upstairs I walked into my room and grabbed one of my backpacks, opened my drawers and started throwing clothes in as fast as I could. I grabbed my ipod, stuck it in my pocket, and tugged on my favorite jacket, throwing a pair of tennis shoes in my bag, I grabbed my pictures of Ron and I, put them in the front pouch of my bag. I looked around my room and finally spotted it, my one picture of Kale, I stroked the picture with my thumb,the memories coming back, but I shoved them back down I do NOT need to think about him right now, it'll just mess with my mind and I won't be able to focus.

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