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Entry 1 - Hello notebook, I was lucky to have fallen in here with my backpack. I think I fell into some sort of basement. I must've been knocked out because when I opened my eyes I didn't see any conceivable hole I could've fallen through. That's it for now, I'll see you on the topside. Sal out.

Entry 2 - Looks like I'm trapped. No one is coming to save me. I haven't gone far from where I fell, but it looks like this place goes on for a while. Just my luck that I left my phone charging. I'll keep waiting, eventually someone will realise I'm missing, right?

Entry 3 - I don't know how I didn't notice this earlier, but there's a really loud humming down here. These stupid fluorescent lights are definitely broken, some are even flickering. They really need  to get someone down here to fix them.

Entry 4 - Well, after being down here for a few hours I got kinda tired and fell asleep, so it's now day two. At least I think it's day two, I don't really have a way to tell time in here. The lights don't have a cycle, so they're always on. I think I'll go exploring today, or tonight... Whatever, doesn't matter what time it is. I'll keep track of anything notable. See ya, Sal out.

Entry 5 - You know, this place is a lot bigger than I thought. I haven't even seen a single door and I think I've been looking around for hours at least. Luckily I'm not dumb enough to leave the spot I fell without leaving a trace. So, sorry whoever built this basement, but there are now key scratches in your wallpaper.

Entry 6 - Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, I found this bottle of something called Almond Water. It's kinda self explanatory. But hey, at least I won't dehydrate down here! Speaking of hydration, my lunch from yesterday is still in my backpack. I haven't gotten hungry yet, but I hope I get found before I run out of food.

Entry 7 - Goodmorning. Day 3, I think. I honestly think there's no way out of here. I've gone wandering for miles and have found nothing, just the same repeating carpet, wallpaper, and humming fluorescent lights everywhere. I also ate half of my sandwich for breakfast when I woke up. The almond water seems sufficiently filling enough for now so I think the sandwich will last at least a day or 2 more.

Entry 8 - I've apparently lost track of time as my supply of almond water has gone down. I can't tell if this is by my doing, or something/someone else's. I'm now keeping meticulous track of my supply as my sandwich is now completely gone. I won't be doing anything else today, I'm already exhausted. I'll see you on day 4. Sal out.

Entry 9 - Goodmorning day 4, the almond water disappearing is definitely not my doing. There's someone else in here with me. I don't know why they keep drinking my almond water but it must be while I'm asleep. It's not like it just vaporises out of nowhere. I'm going to finally move base. I'll check in once I've found a good spot.

Entry 10 - In my journey to find a new place to stay I have forgotten about you. My boredom got hold of me and I found you again though. I think I'm being followed. No. I know I'm being followed. Whoever that person is has been following me for days. I can't stay in one spot. I have to keep going. I'll be back eventually, I'll find you again when my boredom comes back and I can rest again.

Entry 11 - I've been wandering for days, weeks even. I'm stuck in this seemingly infinite yellow hell. There is a constant, irritating, loud humming going on at all times. My sanity is slowly dissolving. I'm being followed by someone who is out to get me. I don't know how much longer I can go on like this. I have to get out of here. I'll let you know if anything notable happens. Sal out.

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