Level 1

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Gordon Fisher here, I think I got the good treatment compared to the others. One day I fell into the backrooms with a couple of my friends, I haven't seen them since Level 0. That doesn't sound like it's been too long but... Time is weird here. I mean, it's not even that. I accidentally no-clipped into Level 1 while trying to show them a new path but they couldn't follow. It's been a hot minute since I've seen them. It's kinda lonely in here.

It's not like it's all that bad in here though, its got tons of supplies unlike Level 0. There crates and crates just full of stuff down here. I ain't got any problems with food either, it's like a warehouse heaven. Well actually now that I mention it, the crates down here have practically everything that somebody would need to survive alone. Not that I'd want to survive alone, it gets pretty boring when the only one you have to talk to is yourself.

I actually found a hallway earlier, pretty bright compared to the gloomy rooms that I normally wander around in. A bunch of art too, painting and weird little drawings. The hallway led to a new room I had never seen before. Well, I mean, everything down here looks the same but you can kinda tell when you've found somewhere new. Maybe it's just me though, maybe not everyone is like that.

There were stairs in that new room too, the first time I went to another level in the same Level if you get me. Bad joke, I know, I used to get told that a lot. I miss telling jokes to people, everyone used to laugh at them. Technically they'd laugh at how bad they were, but we aren't talking specifics here. I mean come on, just ask my friend Henry. Oh, who's Henry? He's that tall pale guy standing in the corner over there, he laughs at all my jokes too!

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