The Manila Room

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I daresay this venture has been most incapacitating. Stuck in an endless hallway of uninspiring beige rooms with an incessant buzzing coming from the light fixtures. Not one person in the rightest of mind could stand this environment, and yet, I was chosen to be subject to it. Never in all my days have I seen anyone have the audacity to do this to me, Evangeline Ross Parker III.  I'll have them know I am a child of royalty. My great great great grandfather was the ruling king of The United Kingdom itself. That incompetent brat could learn a thing or two from true royalty.

But at last, I have found this room. Much more aesthetically pleasing than out there, but the same incessant noise fills this room too. What must I do to get a break? Even so, at least I am able to rest comfortably as this room actually has adequate furnishing for a place this large. Although, it is below standard for someone of royal standing. I shall take a short rest either way, who knows what more atrocious spaces for me to venture exist past here.

I seem to have found a perfect place, nearly. It is the optimal place for me to be, pleasing to the eye, pleasing to the body. Even if it isn't pleasing to the ears it would be the most fine place to reside for now. But do not think even once that this will be the last time you see the likes of me, the Evangeline Ross Parker III.

The Backrooms BookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora