Level 6

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Gordon Fisher here, well, I mean I think I am. I don't know where I am if I'm being honest. This Level is pitch black. Not even joking here, which I do like doing. There is literally no light down here. I would turn my flashlight on, which I luckily have with me at all times, but... It doesn't work. Pure luck am I right? Well I kinda want to get out of here as quick as possible. It's pretty creepy.

I forgot to mention, no sound either. I can't hear my heartbeat, my breath, not even my footsteps. It's like being in the world quietest room but worse. Well actually I think this is what it's like to be blind and deaf. Is this what Helen Keller felt like? She lived a whole life like this, I could at least get through a seemingly infinite room like this. Right?

Not like it matters. Why am I asking so many questions, I know I'm not gonna get an answer. Actually, if Henry was here he might say something. Not sure if I'm able to hear speaking in here either though. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Henry since I went into the boiler room in Level 5. Guess he went off to do his own thing. I never know what that guy is thinking, he's the hardest person to read in my group.

Speaking of thinking, I think this might be the most boring Level in this Backrooms place so far. Nothing to see, nothing to hear, absolutely nothing. What kind of place that has nothing can be fun? That's just the thing, nowhere! But if nothing was nowhere, where would be no thing? Do you know where nowhere is or is it just speculation? No thing couldn't be no where because you'd have to know where nowhere is and that's just impossible. That's probably enough mind riddles. Henry is telling me to shut up, I guess I'll listen.

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