Level 5

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Entry 12 - I am safe. I'm not in the yellow hell anymore, I'm in somewhere a lot nicer actually. I guess it's a hotel. It sure looks like one, no signage anywhere saying it is one though. Pretty nice antique furniture, rustic theme, open design, I like it. I just recently got here so I think I'll look around for a bit.

Entry 13 - So this place doesn't seem too dangerous. Not nearly as bad as that last place. This one has a really comfy atmosphere, I haven't slept in a bed in ages. I think I'll go rest for a little bit in a room somewhere pretty close to this main hall. I'm not too hungry now so I'll go find something to eat when I wake up.

Entry 14 - Just woke up a few minutes ago, it just came to my realisation that there's constant music playing in here. Some kind of jazz it sounds like. It's not annoying, pretty soothing actually. I'm starting to think that this isn't all just in some basement. Of course, I realised that a while ago. But I don't even know where I am, or what's happening.

Entry 15 - Found some food. I won't go hungry! That's a big relief seeing how I've been out of food for a few days now. Now that one of my major worries are out of the way, let's talk about something a bit more, how should I say it, living. There's these huge moths just fluttering around in one of the hallways. Giant moths? I really am not in my element here.

Entry 16 - While going on a brief stroll down one of the hallways I heard some chattering, as if there were other people in a room just near me. I checked all the rooms around me and they were empty. I might've been hallucinating. Spending so much time alone can do strange thing to a person. It can do really strange things.

Entry 17 - Staying in generally the same area has been working out for me well. No signs of anyone, or anything trying to follow me. No stalkers. Only those grotesquely large moths. I think that one hallway has a whole nest of them. I've been staying as far away from it as I can, I do not want to see one of them close up.

Entry 18 - A few doors down from where I've been staying the past couple of days is a room I haven't seen before. I can't tell if it's been there, or has somehow appeared out of thin air. Anyways, I entered the room, lots of pipes in there. It's a pretty hot and steamy room, probably a boiler room or something. Can't think of what else it'd be.

Entry 19 - Bad news. I was in my bed last night when I heard some whispering coming from outside my room door. As the smart guy I am, I obviously always have it locked, but the whispering didn't sound normal. It was a good thing I locked my door too because not long after the whispering stopped, my door handle started turning. They were going to kill me.

Entry 20 - I don't want to leave my room. Not when he's back. But I don't feel comfortable in here either. The wallpaper is beginning to creep me out, like there's faces watching me. It feels like the painting are staring at me. No matter where in the room I am, it's like there's something hiding just behind my shoulders. Hiding. Waiting for the right moment to strike.

Entry 21 - It's almost uncanny. I'm not normally a nervous or anxious person. I guess it can't really be helped when you're being followed by someone. A someone who's intentions you don't know. I'm not gonna be able to stay here much longer now that he knows I'm here. I have to find a way out.

Entry 22 - I've been wandering down a hallway for about an hour or two now. Gotta get out of here. I've brought some food with me, a few almond waters I found, and a hammer I found in that boiler room. I've got to have some way to fight back.  I wont be writing for a bit as I'll need to focus all my energy on finding some way out of here. I'll be back if I ever find a way out, or if I don't. Sal out.

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