Level 3

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This place is very much so aggravating. The audacity of them to besmirch my name by putting me in a prison such as this. It isn't an ordinary prison, no, it is a maze prison. Does the problem appear itself to you now? To think that I, Evangeline Ross Parker III would be effortlessly tossed in here without remorse. Do these people never think of what will become of them when they mess with royalty?

It's absolutely dubious, you know. This prison is far uglier than any place I have ever seen in my life. Not only is it ugly, it is most unhygienic too! There are... things creeping all over the place.. Extremely unpleasant to be here, it is. I nearly feel as if I am in danger here. Impossible. Royalty such as myself could never be in danger. It is a violation of my guard's contracts!

Rather than danger, I feel a sort of presence. Almost as if I am not the only one residing in this prison. It must be just an odd feeling of paranoia. I am completely alone. The only thing in this prison is me, these walls, the bars, and nothing else. I am safe.

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