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Chapter 14

As the ship came to a stop on the other side of the wormhole, the four of them started to come back around. Abi and Bruce's eyes went wide as they looked at what was in front of them. Asgard couldn't be described as a planet, not in the typical sense anyway. It was more like what humanity had originally thought the Earth was like. It was a flat expanse floating in space. The edges were all water and it seemed to be flowing off the side, like the whole thing was surrounded by a waterfall. But that was nothing, as Thor pushed the ship forward, they saw the city in all its glory; golden and gleaming in the sun.

"I never thought I'd be back here." Valkyrie looked across the skyline.

As they came up to the palace, Bruce stood up. "I thought it'd be a lot nicer. I mean, not that it's not nice, it's just, it's on fire."

"Here, up here in the mountains." Valkyrie pointed to the map on the dashboard showing a clump of red dots and a fast moving green dot moving towards them. "Heat signatures. People clustered together. She's coming for them."

"Okay, drop me off at the palace and I'll draw her away." Thor said.

"And get yourself killed?" Valkyrie retorted.

"The people trapped down there are all that matters. While I'm dealing with Hela, I need the three of you to help get everyone off Asgard."

"How the hell are we supposed to do that?" Bruce asked.

"I have a man on the ground. Abi can find him." He looked at her and she nodded.

They landed the plane just outside the palace and Thor rushed inside to the armoury. He came back with a very large machine gun on his shoulder and passed it up to Abi and Valkyrie. "Now the ship has a gun." Abi started mounting it as Thor turned to Valkyrie. "I found this in the armoury. Good luck." He passed her a bundle.

She looked at the Valkyrie armour. "Your majesty! Don't die. You know what I mean."

Thor smiled at her as Bruce pushed the ship back into the air. Valkyrie changed into the armour quickly and then helped Abi strap the gun down down. Bruce pushed the ship forward and they saw Heimdall leading all the people down the Bifrost.

"What the hell is that thing?" Abi said, her eyes trained on the giant wolf stood at the end of the Bifrost. As the words left her lips, the wolf started running at the people, who turned and found themselves blocked in from behind.

Bruce levelled the ship and Valkyrie opened fire, forcing the wolf to stop in its tracks. The soldiers ran at the people from the other side.

Abi walked over to the hangar doors and started building energy. "See you guys soon." Her eyes turned blue as she jumped out of the ship, blue energy coursing all around her. She hit the Bifrost and forced all the energy forward. The soldiers were all pushed backwards off their feet, some of them falling off the edge of the bridge.

The Asgardians looked at her with amazement before walking forward to join her as some of the soldiers recovered and started fighting forward again. Abi turned back and saw the wolf running again. She prepared to take off but Bruce flung himself out of the plane, his body hitting the bridge with a sickening crack. The wolf stopped momentarily before starting forward again, only to be grabbed on the leg and swung around by the Hulk.

Abi smiled and sent out another energy pulse. She summoned a sword from one of the fallen soldiers and started fighting forwards. The soldiers managed to jump onto the ship and started trying to get in, so Valkyrie crashed it into the bridge. One of the soldiers caught Heimdall on the leg and he fell to the floor. He prepared for the coming blow but it never happened. He looked up and there was a rock man and a bug with knife hands standing over him.

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