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Mitchell Hughes like to think of himself as a reliable and logical man. Only at the ripe age of 25, he had gained the mentality of a 40 year old man.

His students would always fall for him at the beginning of the year due to his charming looks, yet as soon as his plank-like personality shines through, his attractiveness seems to plummet.

Though many of his co-workers told him to lighten up every once in a while, he would always come up with a logical answer. No.

He found no benefit from trying to have fun with his students. They learned, they left, and he would get paid. Simple.

He never believed Math Teacher would become his career of choice, but after his dreams of being a professional hockey player died out-he knew he needed to stick to logical thinking-or his dreams would ruin his reality.

He was proud of his maturity. He would say he was the most mature teacher in his school.


Yeah. Definitely the most mature.

As Mitch exited the his classroom and into the hall way, he heard the cackling of students emitting from the science lab.

Oh no.

Luckily, Mr. Hughes only had classes starting from 2nd period, giving him enough time to scold his near and dear best friend.

"Heya bud! Glad you could join us!" A big-nose man laughed as he removed his goggles, leaving the eye area to be the only clean spot on his face that had not been splattered with blue powder.

As Mitchell entered the room, he caught glimpses of teenage girls giggling and whispering to eachother as they eye-balled him.
Little harlots.

Mitchell adjusted his tie and walked up to the man.

"Mr. Aceti, what's the point of that loud noise?" Mitchell spoke sternly.

Mr. Aceti merely rolled his eyes, aware of this routine.

"C'mon Mitch, its the first day-I wanted to show the kids some chemical reactions is all." The man shrugged.

"Jerome, that was a chemical explosion. What if they got hurt?" Mitchell said, leaning in towards Jerome as the students wouldn't hear.

"They're finnnee." Jerome chuckled, facing his class.

"Oh hey, everybody, I want you to meet my favorite stick in the mud-Mr. Hughes. He'll be your math teacher if you are scheduled to him." Jerome gestured towards Mitch, making the kids snicker.

"I'm not a stick in the mud. I'm just safe. And smart." Mitchell accentuated the ending by grabbing a pair of rubber gloved and bobbing Jerome on top of the head.

"Uncalled for man." Jerome smirked as the kids began to laugh more.

Mitchell sighed and headed out the classroom.

"Stick in the mud-how bout I shove a stick up your-"


The rude train of thought from the grumbling math teacher was halted as he ran into another person.

"Pardon me." Mitch said, grabbing the young women's hand.

He took note of the small tattoos across her wrist and her vibrant purple hair. Her clothing was darkly colored, with a grimy looking muscle tee with ripped sleeves, and torn up leggings with bright pink combat boots.

'One of those girls huh? What is wrong with teenagers these days?' Mitchell thought.

He noticed the girl had went back to ground, fumbling about to pick up papers and pencils that fell out of a large box she had been holding.

Mr.Hughes and Ms.SurcombeWhere stories live. Discover now