The unofficial official ending

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Ashley was never one to be observant when not needed. She enjoyed going day by day as if it were some bright flash-noting some things and ignoring others and just keeping focused on daily tasks. So, during her daily task of going to the auditorium after school to help and paint props for the set-up of the school play-there was something that made her extremely observant.

"So-the play is about what pray-tell?" A deep voice asked from a stool that had been propped against the curtains.

"A love story. A bright and happy princess meets the prince of the kingdom that their parents have been in war in-and fall in love with each other. Romeo and Juliet pretty much-just more development and less death." She spoke in a monotone voice as all her focus was on the strokes of her brush.

"Have you ever seen yourself in that role?" Mitch asked.

Ashley blushed as she snapped her head up to look over her shoulder at the man.

"Uh? Playing a princess or ACTUALLY being one?" She chuckled.

"Playing. Since you know...actress and all." He shrugged, averting his gaze to the wooden floor of the stage.

"Well-I see myself being prepared for any role I guess." She shrugged, confused at his sudden need to prod her with questions.

"So you would preform in this play?" Mitch said, now shifting his gaze towards the stage lights.

"What? This play is meant for the students. I mean...I would love to preform-but Im sure these students have way more talent." She flushed.

"Oh uh...good to know. This is where I take my leave. Goodbye." Mitch spoke as he shot up from his stool and darted towards the exit.

"....well." Ashley blinked in confusion.

Little to her knowledge, the frantic man had exited the auditorium to enter the sound booth. The sound booth where the theater teacher had been instructing some students on how to manage the lights.

"Um-Ms.Casanova?" Mitch cleared his throat to catch the attention of the instructor.

Ah yes. The only teacher who could compete with Ashley's level of spunk. Natalie Casanova. A short and curvy teacher who didn't see the point of a dresscode-walking around in short shirts and colorful leggings-like a proud woman that she was. Sporting the bright tattoos draped on her arms-she matched their loud appearance with her loud nature-and although she had no problem punching out any male faculty that looked at her the wrong way-she still remained a sweet soul like the sweet color of her pink and blue cotton candy hair.

"Well if it isn't mister 'Im-a-sad-excuse-for-a-25-year-old-man'!" She poked, her lips turning up into a teasing smirk.

She patted the student on the back before walking over to Mitch.

"What can I do for ya?" She said, placing her hands on her hips.

"I was hoping that you would be able to put Ms.Surcombe in the play." Mitch spoke.

"What?" Natalie said in a surprised tone-almost laughing.

"Im serious. I want to do something special for her. She has really lifted my spirits the past few months and I want to do the same by fulfilling her dream to be an actress." He said sternly.

This time-Natalie did laugh.

"What?" She spoke again through her chuckles. "Look-I don't know what type of cheap flirt tactic this is-but its so dumb! I know Ashley-she's super cool-but this play is for the kids! What kinda play has the teacher as the female lead?" Natalie choked out, wiping a tear from her eye.

"Please. I beg you." Mitch said, standing his ground.

"Really?" Natalie scoffed.

She turned her back against him as she peered through the one-way mirror, looking over the auditorium and onto the large stage.

"An ironic princess...careless and reckless...loud and rambunctious. The whole premises is that the prince is the one who needs saving. She saves him from his ruthless father and cold life as the successor and she takes him away to a happy life full of light." Natalie spoke as her gaze flickered over to the purple haired woman that splattered blue paint onto the white sheet backdrop.

She let out a sigh and turned towards Mitchell. Her lip played a smirk against her cheek.

"Well...maybe you have a hunch. I'll think about it lover boy." Natalie grinned at him.

"T-thank you! I promise that she will not let you down." Mitch stuttered as his heart began to flutter.

"I said I'll think about it. Now scram.
It's starting to smell like staplers in here." She said, shooing him out of the booth.

Mitch started the next day-restless of course. He had spent the entire night pacing back and forth in his apartment, hearing his friend lecture him through the afternoon.

"Why are you so worried?" Jerome said, almost entertained at how panicked Mitch had been.

"What if Natalie won't let her in the play? What am I gonna do? H-how am I gonna tell her?" He said, biting his finger and he let out a frustrated groan.

"You were so calm and collected a couple months ago Mitch. What has Ashley done to you?" Jerome.

"I do not know! I'm still trying to figure that part out as well." Mitch screamed as he rubbed his temples.

Now, Mitch had been rubbing his temples while internally screaming at his desk.

The sound of clicking caught his attention, his classroom door opening to reveal his purple haired co-worker.

The stress that filled his brain was washed away with a certain calming sensation. He wasn't sure how she did it, but she did.

"Heya." She smiled brightly, hurrying to his desk to place his coffee beside his computer mouse as she hopped beside him, sitting next to a stack of papers.

"Good Morning Ms.Surcombe." He said calmly while sipping his cup.

He noticed her gaze had been intently upon him as he drank the beverage.

Her hands were clasped tightly and her knee bounced against the other in an excited manner. Her lips had been quivering every know and then as if words were about to burst out any moment.

"You seem excited." He said simply, looking up as she nodded briefly.

He paused for another moment, typing on his computer a bit and clicking on some files.

Her constant knee bouncing made his eyebrow twitch in annoyance. His hand shot to her knee and halted her gestures.

"Since you want me to say it so bad-I will. What has you so excited, Ms.Surcombe?" He spoke with a raised eyebrow.

"EEEEEEEE!" She squealed, hopping of his desk to bounce around excitedly, causing her short puffy skirt to flutter over her legs-causing Mitch's thinking process to halt for a few seconds.

"Nat said I could be in the play! And I didn't even aSK HER!"

(Okay-so do you see how I wrote myself into a corner? This was supposed to be like-o-the romantic lead of Ashley in the play gets sick and so does the understudy so Natalie makes Mitch go into the play the part of the prince and basiCALLY Mitch confesses to Ashley and they kiss and ya everyone is happy with another cliche ending-but that just sound dumb and i dont wanna write that anymore. You know what I wanna write about? Still love stories. Still mashley. But super hero Mashley. GO CHECK OUT "THE FATE OF OUR WORLDS." IF ANYONE WANTS TO WRAP UP THIS CHAPTER-MESSAGE ME THE ENDING AND IF I LIKE IT I WILL PASTE IT AS THE OFFICIAL ENDING FOR MR. HUGHES AND MS. SURCOMBE)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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