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Mitchell awoke to the sound of sizzling, and a tantalizing aroma of eggs.

His first thought, of course, was 'Who is in my home'.

Then the next thought was 'Why in the world was she making breakfast with my food? Now I won't have as much eggs or bacon as before and will have to go grocery shopping a day early.'

He let out a grunt as he arose from his bed, yawning and stretching before exiting his room.

As he peered behind his hallway into the kitchen, he saw Ashley standing by the stove. She had been humming a song while shaking her hips to an imaginary beat-sprinkling salt and pepper onto the eggs with simultaneous rhythm.

Her purple tresses were messy and tangled, and his jogging pants has sagged down her hips to reveal small glimmer of her undergarments.

'How shameful.' He blushed.

"Good morning." Mitchell stuttered as he walked to the kitchen.

"Sup. How do you like your eggs?" She asked, looking over her shoulder.

"You don't have to make me breakfast. I honestly expected you to be gone by now." Mitch said.

"Ouch. I just wanted to make you break-fast as a thank you for letting me stay here." She shrugged.

"Well I let you stay here as a thank you for giving me a ride." He said.

"Well I gave you a ride as a thank you for trying to save me so-HA. I win." She stuck her tongue out at him, then turning back to her bacon that she had flipped over.

Mitchell groaned and walked over to his fridge to get some smoothie ingredients.

As he reached up into the cabinet to grab some some protein mix, he had been cautious to not bump into Ashley while she cooked.

His chest was pushed directly against her back, and Ashley had to hold back a small squeak when she remembered that he was shirtless.

As she flipped over the bacon, she had bumped into Mitch's arm, causing him to drop his mix.

"Got it!" She said, bending over to reach the container as Mitch had done the same.

Ashley lost her footing as she squatted for the out-of-reach mix and tumbled on top of Mitch to gain her own balance.

"Ms.S-Surcombe-" Mitch began, yet Ashley continued to stretch her body above him to reach the container that now slipped under the table.

"AH-HA! She said proudly, holding the mix in her hands.

Suddenly,a loud cracking sound was heard.

"Hey Mitch-" A deep voice said.

Their heads snap up to see their co-worker standing in the doorway with a bag of donuts in his hand and his mouth agape.

Of course, once realizing that Ashley had been straddling a shirtless Mitchell, both their faces flushed.

"Really? You've known each other for like 2 days." Jerome said, looking as if he was about to leave.

"W-wait! T-this isn't what it looks like!" Ashley stuttered, dropping the protein mix onto Mitchell before scrambling to her feet.

"Are your sure? Because it looked like you two-" Jerome began-but suddenly stopped as the same protein mix hurdled towards his head.

"Shuuuuut uuuup!" Mitch whined, standing on his feet as he brushed himself off.

"Ow...so why exactly is Ashley here?" Jerome grunted as he rubbed his head.

Mr.Hughes and Ms.SurcombeWhere stories live. Discover now