Donut Pain

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Sunlight peered through the small cracks of the window shades, giving the clean room an angelic glow as light bounced off the white carpet and onto the vanilla bedsheets. There, the glow cascaded over the unfitting lump inside of the covers, currently asleep.

The lump began to groan and shift as the brightness of the room seeped into their eyelids, pulling them from their slumber.

"What the?..." The lump spoke.

Ashley let out a pained noise as she felt the pinging sensation of alcohol tapping inside her forehead. Yup. She's hungover.

As she was about to fall back into her cozy bed, she realized a large difference in the mattress.

It wasn't hers.

Ashley jolted upright, only to jostle her brain even more and send another shooting pain through her head.

She slowly turned her head to scan the surroundings, taking in the unnatural cleanliness of the room.

Almost in a daze, she was not able to comprehend the area, and instead of worrying, she decided to grab a bite to eat.

She stood up slowly and began trudging her feet across the soft carpet, gliding her hand against the wall to keep steady as she moved.

Walking down the hallway, she jumped at the loud ringing sound of blender.

That's it. She was kidnapped, and now her murderer is chopping up their victims, and she's next.

'Maybe they will let me eat first.' She hoped.

As she moved to the kitchen, she began to re-think her "nightmare".

Standing against the kitchen counter was something one could only see in a dream.

A gorgeous man stood in front of her, holding one plate of freshly cooked eggs and bacon in one hand, and a cup of hot coffee in the other. With disheveled hair, a stomach of rippled abs, and pure white jogging pants hanging low upon their hips, the scene appeared to be something from a woman's romance novel.

"Am I dead?" Ashley spoke groggily through squinted eyes.

"Surprisingly, no." The man spoke, handing her the cup of coffee.

She took it gingerly and looked at it, blinking several times.

"Are you still drunk? I thought you would have been in hangover stage by now." The angel-man spoke, heading back to the kitchen to sit upon a stool, placing the breakfast next to him.

Ashley sipped the coffee slowly, but as soon as the caffeine hit her tongue, she began chugging the cup.

"Goddamn that's good." She hummed in admiration with closed eyes.

As she opened them again, her brain had finally kicked in.

The overly clean house, the gorgeous man with this heavenly brewed coffee, such perfection could only belong to a perfectionist.

"Mitchell...what happened to me?" Ashley said, stumbling a bit as she took a seat beside her savior.

"You got drunk on school grounds-idiot." He said, flicking her elbow.

"Oh god....after seeing Tara I just kinda..." She began, twiddling her thumbs.

"I'm sorry." She said in an embarrassed tone.

"Don't sweat it. Just eat." He said, sipping some purple-colored shake.

Ashley quietly began eating her eggs, sneaking small glanced towards Mitch as he read the newspaper.

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