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Mitchell Hughes always thought it was a mere atrocity to be late for anything, especially his job.

He made sure to be the first one at his desk before any other teacher, and he held that record proudly. could imagine the shock and anger he felt when he entered his classroom to find Ms.Surcombe sitting upon his work desk, swinging her feet like a child as she read his lesson plan.

"What do you think you're doing?" He shouted, gaining his co-workers attention.

"Oh, hey! I was just looking through your lessons for some inspiration. A little too...difficult for my taste though." She smiled brightly, placing his papers back onto his work space.

Being a very gentleman-like man (or possibly just being so work-focused to ever pay attention to a woman) he didn't like to peer upon females. However, Ms.Surcombe's outfit was...questionable...for a teacher.

Her sweater was oversized with a pastel blue cat face on the front, matching her tiny black shorts with cat paws on the pockets. Her socks reached her thighs, with a clashing color of a red and green flannel pattern, and her pink boots once again.

So unprofessional. So...loud.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." She teased, taking a sip from her coffee cup.

"Don't you think you should wear more appropriate attire when in front of teenage boys?" Mitch remarked, sitting at his desk, ignoring Ashley's thick behind that rested in front of his view.

She hopped off of his desk.

"Excuse me?" She said in a challenged tone.

"You seem like a bit of a...distraction." Mitch said, reading through his lesson plans.

"I believe that women have the right to wear anything they please. Any one can. The individual themselves can control their prying eyes." She scoffed.

Mitchell sighed, logging onto his computer, not saying another word.

Ashely was still in his room.

Why was she still in the class?

He looked up to see her examining the walls, desk, and floor of his classroom.

"What do you want here, Ms.Surcombe?" He spoke in annoyance.

Ashley held out her hands as if she were a bird, and then quickly wrapped them around herself.

"I feel like I'm in a coffin. All these blank spaces are suffocating. This room is too tight. I am uncomfortable." She said.

Mitchell raised his eyebrow as Ashley twirled to face him.

"That's how your students feel in here." She said simply, walking back towards his desk.

"Im sure that the blank area around them helps them focus on lessons." He retorted.

"Debatable." She shrugged.

She then held out her hand to reveal a coffee cup in her grasp.

Mitchell raised his head one again, and was one again confused by her actions.

"I brought you some coffee. Take it." She shook her hand slightly until Mitchell finally grabbed the cup, holding it as if it were contaminated.

"Its just some black coffee. I have some cream and sugar I brought in case you want to change it-" She began, moving towards a small desk until she saw Mitchell drinking the cup with various gulps, chugging down the hot liquid.

Mr.Hughes and Ms.SurcombeWhere stories live. Discover now