Stars and Hockey

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As Mitchell began packing his items, he was surprised to find that Ashley had not barged in his classroom after the day was done.

'Strange' he thought, squinting his eyes at the door.

As he grabbed he slipped on his coat, he began fumbling in his pocket for his keys.


He patted all over his coat, and began scanning his desk.


'Dammit. Don't tell me I dropped them outside' he cursed to himself.

Of course he did. It was an unscheduled drill, so he grabbed his keys in case he had to leave.

He groaned and walked out of his class and down the hall.

As he peered through the big exit doors, he saw no teacher in the parking lot to give him a possible ride.

He sighed and walked into the street, near the area that they had lined up in during the drill.

He knew he looked like an idiot as he scrambled for his keys, but he had to get home.

Suddenly, a loud grumbling sound filled his ears.

He turned to see a person pulling up to the school on a black and purple motorcycle.

'What kind of teacher would drive that?'he questioned.

As they took off their helmet, he could recognize the purple hair that swung down to their neck.

'Oh. That teacher.' He said.

Ashley turned around to see Mitchell staring back at her.

Then her playful smirk spread across her face.

She walked towards him with her helmet tucked into her arm.

"Lookin for treasure or something?" Ashley said.

"My keys. I believed they fell out of my pocket here." He pondered, searching over the pavement.

"Maybe they fell when you tried to run into the building to save me?" She giggled.

Mitchell blushed and adjusted his tie, not answering but instead looked in between the cracks of the street.

"Thank you though...that was pretty courageous of you." She said softly, causing him to turn and look up at her.

Her hair blowed softly in the breeze and her big brown eyes held and sweet gaze as she looked at him with pink cheeks. He gulped.

"Your welcome." He said.

"Hey. How bout I just hot-wire your car?" She said nonchalantly while squatting beside him.

"You're not doing that to my car!" He gasped.

"Kidding! I don't even know how to do that." She laughed.

He rolled his eyes.

She twiddled with her thumbs, thinking of what to say.

She watched his darting eyes to each crack in the sidewalk, blinking quickly as he did so.

Some sunlight had caught into her eye, making her look over the horizon to see the sun had begun to set.

"Mitch, it's getting late. How about you just ride with me?" Ashley said.

Mitch's head shot up. "On that thing?!"

"Why not? It's either that or waiting here." She said sternly.

Mitch gave a worried look to the bike, and then Ashley.

Mr.Hughes and Ms.SurcombeWhere stories live. Discover now