Loosening Up in Bad ways

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Simply agreeing to a car chase was a bad idea.

However, Mitch came to the cold realization that letting Ashley be the driver of said car chase was a terrible idea.

Ashley took another sharp turn, causing Mitch's face to hit the car door.

"Ms. Surcombe! Do you know how to drive?!" Mitch screamed over the loud screeching of the tires as Ashley sped after her niece.

"Laws don't really matter right now Mitch!" Ashley said, keeping her eyes glued to the car infront of us.

Mitch gripped onto the headrest of the seat as the two cars made it on the highway.

'Oh no.' Mitch gulped.

Ashley stepped, or more like stomped, the accelerator, speeding up rapidly to the side of the car.

Ashley looked over to see her niece in the passenger side.

"Roll down the window RIGHT NOW." Ashley screamed inside the car.

Stacy meekly pushed the button beside the car door, sliding the window down.

"Mitch, roll down the window." Ashley said.

Mitchell reached over and pushed down the window.

"Start driving!" She yelled.

"Ms. Surcombe-this is incredibly dangerous!" Mitch rejected, looking at the cars that they had been racing, checking around for any police cars with shifty eyes.

"I will let go of the wheel!" Ashley countered.

Mitch quickly slid out of his seat and grabbed the steering wheel as Ashley leaned over the window.

"Where are you going?!" Ashley shouted.

"A party!" Stacy screamed back.

Mitch could tell that they were related by the sheer loudness of them both.

"I saw you buy beer!" Ashley said.

"It was juice!" Stacy said.

"What kind of juice is named Budweiser?! I swear when I get my hands on you stacy-You're in so much trouble-" Ashley tipped over onto Mitchell as the car screeched to a stop.

"W-what? Mitch! They're getting away." Ashley whined.

Ashley looked up to see a large line of trucks and cars ahead of them.

"Ms.Surcombe..." Mitch said.

Ashley turned towards Mitch to see his eyes glazed over with concern and irritation.

"That was absolutely reckless. You put my life in danger, Stacy's life, and yours." He said sternly.

"I-im sorry. I...I just don't know what's gonna happen if she goes with him. He might get her drunk..he might.." Ashley said in a uncharacteristically frail voice.

Mitch groaned and removed Ashley from his lap and into her seat, pulling the seat belt over her quickly.

"I heard some students talking about this party. One of my students, Jamie Anderson, is supposedly holding it. His father is a doctor I believe, and they have his home address in the phone book for any concerns and appointments. So...I may know where they are going." Mitch spoke calmly as he gripped the wheel.

"Mitch?" Ashley cocked and brow and gave him a surprised smirk.

'I am going to regret this.' Mitch thought.

Mitch gave a sharp u-turn and drifted into a perfect donut before speeding off into a different lane.

"Woo-hoooo!" Ashley cheered as her hair flailed wildly in the wind.

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