Part 4

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Dark woke up in Wilford's bed not knowing how he got there "That's odd.." he heard a voice down the hallway "Will?" he got out of the bed and walked to the door "Sweetie?" he opened the door and headed down the hallway towards the kitchen "How do you like your eggs?" Will asked someone 'Who is he talking to?' Dark was puzzled "Oh and you like yours scrambled? Okay!" Dark peaked into the kitchen and saw Wilford cooking breakfast "Will?" he noticed the 3 places set up at the kitchen table "Who are you talking to?" Will looked over at Dark "You came to join us? I'll have to make another spot at the table for you" But Dark was confused "Who else is here?" Will pointed to the empty seats "Don't be rude Dark. Don't you see our guests? Damien and Celine" Dark's lips curved into a frown "But Will-" "No buts!" Will interrupted him "Will you join us or not." Dark didn't dare argue "I'll join you... 3" he struggled to say 3 because nobody else was there "Will?" he approached the tinier pink haired man "Are you in denial?" Will set down his spatula and stared at Dark "How do you like your eggs?" he completely ignored the question "William!" Will was startled by the outburst "Damien and Celine are dead. They been dead for years." Dark came right out and said it "Stop lying. They're right there!" he pointed to the kitchen table and saw no one "They're-" he welled up with tears "Where did they go! They were right there!" Dark put a hand on Will's shoulder "Sweetie.. They been gone for a long time."

A Darkstache Story The SequelWhere stories live. Discover now