Part 6

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Wilford struggled every day. Not because of the fact that Damien and Celine were gone. No. It was the fact that he kept seeing them and was able to hear them. Dark was in the living room waiting for Wilford to finish making lunch for them "Sweetie? Do you need any help?" Will shoved the pan into the oven "No! I'm okay!" he chimed back. Damien sighed and crossed his arms "He's ignoring us my dear, Celine." Celine got in Wilford's face "Hello!? We're right here!" Will tried to whisper "You're dead, you're not real, and you're not here. I'm just imagining you. Now go away." he went to the fridge to grab some juice to go with both his and Dark's lunch "We are very real and we're here." Damien retorted "Then why do I only see you and Dark doesn't." Celine giggled "Isn't it obvious? He thinks we're dead. His brain tunes us out. It's common sense Wilford." Will got mad "I believe you're dead. So I should be able to tune you out too." he closed his eyes and when he opened them Damien and Celine were gone.

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