Part 5

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Dark struggled to get Wilford to believe him so he had to take drastic measures. He really didn't want to have to do this to Will but he had no choice. Dark drove Will across town to Damien's old abandoned mansion. Once there he got out and took Will to the back of the mansion "We're almost there" Dark walked along the path until they were in the middle of the garden where Celine and Damien's graves were "Will.. They've been gone for a long time now. I think you need to let go. Your obsession is becoming unhealthy." Will knelt down and stared at his best friends' graves "T-They're d-dead.." he sounded defeated "But they were just at my house.." he tried to sound so sure of himself "Sweetie... They're gone." Dark knelt besides him and pulled Will into his arms "You know... you really hurt me back at Marvin's when you said those things about me and my father... But for now I'll put that aside. You need me now more than ever."

A Darkstache Story The SequelWhere stories live. Discover now