Chapter 4

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"What do you mean?"

"My sister was killed by Kisaki... and currently Y/n is kidnapped."

"Wait who would kidnap them-" (dumbass)

"None other than Kisaki..." Naoto's eyes narrow, this man was ruining everything. First his sister, now the love of his life. "Perhaps I should just kill him with my own hands..." he mumbled quietly.

"Why would he kidnap her?"

"I'm not sure. But I know we need to save her."

Looking down Takemichi felt a wave of emotions. Sadness, confusion, and frustration. Not only was his old friend kidnapped, but that meant he had to protect two people. Should I just give up? No! I need to protect them!

"This is why I need you to focus on the information, Takemichi-kun."

Nodding his head, he turned ready to read again, "wait, when was she kidnapped?"

"On the day my sister died."

"The news said nothing about a kidnapping..." he hummed. "How do you know she was kidnapped?"

At that Naoto stiffened. He had kept an eye on Y/n, but he can't just admit to that. "I met her today and she told me, it also makes sense since she knew Kisaki and she wasn't seen ever since the incident."

"Hmmm that makes sense..." he turned to the screen, sweat dropping, every time I look at it, there seems to be more.

"You are so beautiful, love." He looked at you lovestruck as he stroked your knuckles. "I have a confession to make."

Looking up at him, you guessed it wasn't anything good, "what's it about?" You tried to cover your nerves, but your voice slightly shook when you finished the question.

"Hinata isn't the only person I killed that was too close to you." At that your eyes widened, is this why so many friends where dying from alleged bike crashes, suicide or robbery gone wrong? "Now, don't look so spooked, they had it coming..." he took a sip of his wine, "also if you act scared people might suspect I'm an abusive partner, we wouldn't want that, would we?" He smiled at you, before his gaze darkened, "if you don't stop I'll have everyone in this restaurant killed."

"Sorry, it's just I'm shocked..." You tried to contain your emotions, but you wanted to scream at him and cry. How did you not notice this before, how was he so sneaky? Where did it all go wrong?

"Y/n... you aren't thinking of them are you?" He tightened his hold on your hand, which made you wince a little.

"O-of course not! I was thinking if we could get desert outside of the restaurant?" Kisaki really scared you, he was a ticking bomb masked with a calm, sheltered front.

"I don't mind, is this restaurant not to your liking?"

Quickly noticing that your answer essentially meant someone either died or lived, chose the latter. "Oh no, it's lovely, I just miss when we used to eat pastry when we where younger..." You do remember eating pastry with him, but it wasn't that eventful, either way you needed to get him away from here.

"You remembered?"

"Of course!"

Feeling his heart beat faster, you failed to notice how you had put another lock on your cage, making escaping him even more unlikely. "Let's go then love, I'll wait for you in the car." Having one of the guards walk you, you quickly said an okay before leaving to the car.

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