Chapter 5

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"I'm home!" 

"Welcome back hunny, how was school?" Your aunt asked.

"It was nice, also I made a few new friends."

"I'm glad!"

"Wait what's cooking it smells good?"

"It's your favourite!"

"Yay, thanks Mum!" Your eyes widened when you said that, and so did hers. She looked at you in shock, and covered her mouth as she started crying, "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable-"

"No, I'm just so happy..." she walked to you, as she hugged you, you hugging her back. She knew your traumatic experiences, and she was so happy to hear you have gotten happier, her hearing you call her Mum made her so happy. The couple wanted kids of their own, but after a miscarriage the both of them were scared for her health. That was the reason as to why they had two cats. "Please call me that if you want to Y/n."

"Are you sure!?" You felt excited but also scared. They truly felt like your true family, and you loved them plenty. However what if you are a burden to them...

"Yes hunny." She smiled at you even more, "now it's time to go have dinner!" She held onto your hand, leading you to the kitchen and sitting down. Taking a fair portion of your favourite dish and placing it in front of you.

"Is there a special occasion?"

"No, I just love you." She smiled at you making you slightly tear up as you started digging into the dish. You are grateful for your true family.

Your uncle had come, tired and all, but he quickly came to your room panting and smiling, "you will call us your Mum and Dad from now on!?"

"Y-yeah, if that's okay with you-"

"Of course it is! I'm so happy!" He hugged you tightly as you hugged him back. They always made you feel accepted. When you came out to them as bisexual/pan you thought they would react in a bad way, but they accepted you for who you where, and they always did that. You started crying. "Wait Y/n why you crying-?"

"I'm just so happy..."

He smiled even more, "it's time to go to bed, it's getting late!" As he gave you a last hug, walking off and closing your door. Looking to the side he sees his wife there looking at him, as she was caught listening to them. "I understand why you where so giddy when I got home." He smiled at her even more, as he held her hand, "you are an amazing Mum." He kissed her cheek as she smiled even more.

As you got ready for bed, your phone ringed, showing you got a message. Walking up to it, you see Mikey sent you a message.


Mikey UwU (he wrote that himself btw):

I wanted to tell you thank you for today, its not always that I can speak about my brother like that.

No worries, I had fun, also you can talk about anything with me, you are really interesting :)

You are really kind, and unaware-

What's that meant to mean?

You got stalked by someone obvious and couldn't tell, and then bumped into someone who clearly was itching for a fight, I feel obligated to watch after you now ;)

Don't made fun of me :/

I'm not, its the truth!

Meanie, I'm going to snitch and tell big man Draken

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