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Well, it had been a day since living figure skating legend Hwang Hyunjin had arrived at the Han shrine, accompanied by his dog Kkami.
Hanji still in amazement repeated his thoughts in the scene where he found Nikiforov in the hot spring: "What is he saying, standing there buck nacked?" "Starting today, I'm your coach, I'll make you win the Grand Prix Final" "Han, Han, Han..."

— Han Jisung! — Yuna's voice took him out of his flashback, making the boy jump.— Why is Hyunjin sleeping in one of the inn's robes?!

Yes, Hyunjin after the bath went to eat a delicious dinner accompanied by liquor, so much so that he fell asleep.  Kkami had also fallen asleep, his muzzle on Hyun's abdomen.

— He soaked in the hot spring and had dinner, then fell asleep...— Jisung explained, scratching his cheek.
— It's big news in Russia. He's taking next season off and is considering his next move. They're also saying that when he saw the video of him skating his routine, he was stuck with inspiration, and that's when he decided to be your coach. — Jisung's face was a poem of wonder.  Yuna just sighed. — Victor came here because he chose you, Sung. You brought him here!  That's unbelievable!

As Jisung felt his heart pounding, in Russia, the most coveted boy in this generation of skaters began to feel his blood boil.

— Huh?  Hyunjin went to Japan to become Han Jisung's coach?  Why that fatso?  Please... Did he forget what he promised me?  Jeongin got up from the bench angrily, walking to his practice court. — Yakov! Where are you?  Explain this to me, damn it! — The other skaters looked at him terrified, so young and so angry? But it was natural, his anger problems had nothing to do with his age, or so they thought.

Yakov, coach of Hyunjin and angry little Jeongin, was outside the rink, giving details to the press about his star skater's departure for Japan.

— Hyunjin wants to take time off until he finds his motivation again.  Personally, I doubt he'll be able to return if he takes a break now.  — The man with crossed arms spoke. He gritted his teeth when a reporter attacked him saying that "He's going to coach Han Jisung in Japan."  Nervous, he grabbed the aforementioned microphone and exclaimed. — That man only thinks of himself!

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