Rain Rain Go Away

864 12 15

A/N; OLANDY, OLANDY, OLANDY (platonically)! not sure what this classes as so I put it under 'other'


Randy sat alone in his dumpster. He wasn't needed to be out wrangling swans (and admittedly failing) so he wasn't exactly sure what to do. Rain tapped against the lid of the dumpster, slipping through any crevice it could and dripping onto the trash below, making the already moist and foul smelling trash moister. The possum screamed as water hit its pages, though Randy suspected it was screaming for the same reason as always; because it fucking can. He shivered as a cold gust of air weaselled its way inside the already freezing dumpster before a particularly strong blow blew the lid open, allowing the rain to attack him. Worried that the rain would damage his already broken head (which he probably would have let happen, had he not been planning to visit Oliver in a few days) he climbed out of the dumpster with some difficulty due to the slippery trash. 

Upon leaving the alleyway behind Bunny's Burgers, he attempted to find a place that was open where he could stay until the rain cleared up. He was visibly soaked and shivering as he made his way along the relatively empty streets. Had he not been wet and homeless, he would have probably found the atmosphere to be calming. 

He zoned out as he slowly strolled along the streets of Dialtown, eventually ending up at the sticky cinema located in Uptown Dialtown. This was immediately noticed by Oliver, considering Randy had been the only person to enter the cinema thus far.

"Randy? Dude- You're not looking to groovy, man-" He made his way over to his friend, who was noticeably soggy.

"Y-Yeah- The cold was sorta getting to me-" He took off his jacket as he started to warm up.

"Well come with me so we can get you dry!" Oliver dragged Randy to the back of the building and up some stairs to an apartment-looking building, "Wait there while I go get you a towel" and with that, Oliver swiftly left to go get a towel. Randy took this as an opportunity to look around. He took his shoes off as to not get rainwater everywhere then went to go inspect the bookshelf. There was a mixture of British and American authors as well as some CDs that seemed to come from the 80's. There was a model bus on one of the shelves as well as a spare fez and a camera. Looking elsewhere in the room, there were some framed Vinyl records and some movie posters on the walls. Everything else looked fairly normal except a British flag and an American flag in the pencil holder on the desk.

Oliver soon returned with a towel and some spare clothes.

"You can use the shower if you'd like. There's some spare clothes here, though they might be slightly too small on you. They're the biggest I own, I hope that's okay" He would have smiled awkwardly if he had a mouth. 

"I-It's okay, thank you Oliver.. Are you sure it's okay for me to your shower?" He took the towel and the clothes

"Of course man, you're my friend aren't you?" He lightly punched Randy's arm and led him to the bathroom.

If he was being honest, Randy almost forgot how to use the shower with how long he'd been living in the dumpster but he somewhat remembered enough as to where he could get it turned on. He sat in the shower for a bit, attempting to keep his head as far away from the water as possible. He thought about life and questioned why the hell Oliver wanted to help him out.

Not wanting to waste the hot water anymore, he got out and dried himself off before getting dressed into a pair of grey sweatpants and a black hoodie. He wet some tissue to clean his face with before leaving the bathroom.

"Looking snazzy, Rad-ny!" Oliver shot him finger guns before patting the spot next to him on the sofa, "wanna watch a movie?" Randy nodded, but not really knowing many movies, they decided to put on grease for them to watch as the sat together on the sofa. Oliver laid his head on the taller phone's shoulder. By the time the movie finished, they were both deep in sleep.

The next morning, the rain had cleared and Randy's clothes had dried. Randy woke up before Oliver and noticed he was going to be late so he rushed to get changed into his now dry clothes from the day before and sprinted out the door.

After waking up alone on the sofa, Oliver was left wondering where Randy had went.

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