Welcome home

641 4 4

A/N; Oh nice, OC time. We get BONDING. anyway, requests are being worked on. I do need to do mild research for the requests (not counting Olandy as I act pretty similar to both of them so I only really need to make sure I get backstory right and dont need to make sure it doesnt get TOO ooc) so yeah! if I accepted your request, then its on the way!


Scott hopped off the subway train, glad to be back in Dialtown, with his daughter JJ following a little bit behind. She wasn't particularly fond of moving to the city, as she had to leave all her old friends behind, but at least her father would be able to spend time with her now. And besides, atleast she'd have her childhood friends, if they were still around.

"Ah, I'm glad to be home. Thank god that the smog is still smelling like crystal meth, it just wouldn't be Dialtown without it." He did a spin, slipped on some unknown liquid and fell on his ass.

"What the fuck dad?" JJ crossed her arms disappointedly at her father's shenanigans. 

"Hush my darling child, I'm just excited to be home" He got up, noting that he should probably throw those pants in the trash. Before grabbing the luggage and making his way up to Downtown Dialtown, where their apartment was located. 

"Dad, do you think my friends are still here?" JJ asked as they walked inside. There wasn't really any furniture yet as it would be arriving tomorrow. The apartment smelled of fresh pain. 

"I would hope so, kiddo. But honestly, I cant really guarantee anything" He ruffled her hair, which the younger visibly recoiled at.

"You can stop doing that, I'm not a baby anymore" she huffed, picking her bag up and making her way to one of the two bedrooms.

"You'll always be my baby, JJ" and with that Scott grabbed the larger of the two suitcases which had some pillows cushions to sit on, as well as two air mattresses and some blankets. He placed them on the wooden floor, and sat down. "Atleast the van is getting here tomorrow"

JJ walked out her room and to the door, putting her jacket on "I'm heading to the park, dad! I'll see you later" 

And with that, she left, getting a wave from Scott who decided would be a good time to get changed and get rid of the ruined pants. 

He took the small suitcase and went to his room change into his lavender button-up and jeans, before going into the front room to sit down and began scrolling through his phone. Now you might be wondering; if his head is a phone, why does he need another. Well, he likes to go on the internet away from home, obviously.

"I should probably go let the others know I'm in town." He sighed, opening his contacts and hovering over "knifed gun-man" and "gunned knife-man". They'd been friends since childhood but they just lost touch when Scott and JJ left town. He debated calling them, but decided it would be better to visit them in person.

Praying that he remembered where they were staying, he made his way to the lock and whis-key. Walking inside he was greeted by Pierre.

"Scott? It sure has been awhile since you've been here. How are you holding up?" Pierre asked as Scott sat down.

"Honestly man, I've been better. But that's not entirely why I'm here." He rested his phone-head in his right hand. "Do you know if Stabby and Shooty are still here? Since I moved back to town, I decided I'd surprise them with a visit" 

"Yeah, they're here but they're busy playing cards in the basement with the other mob members. You can wait here and talk to me if you'd like" The barman stated, rubbing a glass with a washcloth.

"That'd be nice, seaman" The older phone sighed, "So how have you guys been these past few years?"

"Well, I've started being a part-time therapist. Some strange green person stops by from time to time, they call him the green messiah. Not sure why, apparently has something to do with the new sheriff who's been giving the mob trouble. But other than that, most things are the same here." Pierre put away the glass he was washing and began washing another one. "What about you, how have things been?"

"Ehh.. Not too great- Got divorced, lost my job, lost a friend, that sort of thing. Are you any good at therapy, Pierre?" Scott sighed, playing with the end of his sleeve.

"I like to think so, yes." At that moment, a familiar gun and knife headed duo walked in, stopping dead in their tracks.

"Bro, is that who I think it is?" The knife-headed one said, pointing to the red phone-headed man at the bar.

"Yeah, I think it is bro" the gun-headed one agreed, staring at Scott. 

"Its kind of rude to stare, bullet-head." Scott smiled jokingly (or would have if he had a mouth) before standing up and walking over to them "Missed me?"

Before any of them actually knew they were doing, they all hugged. "You're back Scott! Since when? Is JJ with you?" The weapon-headed guys asked in unison.

"I am back, for good. Since today. JJ is with me but she's at the park" Scott answered, before sitting back down. "So how have you two been?"

"We've been pretty decent. The mob is still doing the same as it was before. Me and my bro here are together now" Stabby sat down as well, dragging Shooty with him.

"Congrats! I totally called it. Ever since you were in 8th grade." The older man said, crossing his legs, "I'm happy we're all together again"

"Yeah bro, us too" Shooty sighed, putting his arm around Stabby.

"I still dont get why you swapped out your head, stabs." Scott shook his head, looking at the two.

"Thought it made me look more intimidating, plus it fits my name now" Stabby nodded, being careful not to cut his gun-headed partner's arm in the process.

"Fair, fair. I think this has been a fairly decent reunion. Hopefully one we'll never need again" Scott lightly punched Stabby's arm playfully.

"Yeah, I think it has. But next time, we wanna see our neice"


I finally finished this. Just a temporary update to show I'm not dead while I deal with shit before I can get the requests done

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