Why did I do that?

386 7 32

If you were to ask oliver why he did it, he'd probably breakdown and start sobbing uncontrollably. Frankly, he hadn't meant to do it. He wasn't thinking straight.

August 5th 2021

05:30 PM

Oliver and randy were relaxing in their front room after a stressful day. Now oliver was far more stressed than Randy, given he had been agressivly punched in the face, which was probably the reason that every little thing was annoying him. So there they were, trying to calm down from the day. 

"So then I said 'If I have to pay $10 for a goddamn bandy-aid, I'd rather have fuckface back on my forehead again than fix this mild bleeding' and then Gingi bit me again" Randy rambled on, recounting his day while Oliver was crafting some props. Karen had recently dropped of some paints for him to use, with much hesitance, so it was now just him and his boyfriend-but-not (more of homies that kiss goodnight- no actual established relationship). Usually Gingi would be pestering them, trying to get inside the apartment that the two recently bought. They both had mixed opinions about the place, While randy loved how easy it was to get into the crawlspace under the floorboards ,that was fairly spacious, to hide in, Oliver didnt like how he could never find Randy half the time. And while Oliver loved the view of the sunset their balcony had, Randy hated that he could clearly see his old dumpster from there. It had its pros and cons, but it was home. 

"Ran, dear, what the hell are you on about?" Oliver (metaphorically) raised an eyebrow at the Nokia.

"I- Uh- I dunno- actually- was I rambling again!? I'm not boring you am I?" Randy worried. He began rambling again, this time in the form of stuttering and apologies.

"Dude, chill. It's fine- You're not boring me, but you are kinda putting me off my work. Its groovy though, we need to make food now anyway" he stood up, grabbing the taller's hand to help him up. Then they headed to the kitchen.

It seems Oliver forgot that Randy is absolutely awful in the kitchen. He couldn't seem to get anything right and was just making a mess. Oliver was already annoyed enough as is, but the mess plus the sobbing coming from Randy over his mistake was the breaking point.

He wasnt entirely sure what happened next, as it was mostly a blur, but when he came to his senses, what he saw made him want to throw up.

Did.. did he just do that?

On the floor below him, in a puddle of blood and several stab wounds aswell as the knife lodged into his head, was Randy. He wasnt moving at all, and oliver was fairly certain he wasn't breathing either. Oh god. What has he done?

He picked up the body with his bloody hands. The blood got on his shirt. He'd need to burn that. Oliver had watched enough murder mystery movies to know what he needed to do and what he really shouldn't do. 

He hid the body under the floorboards. He'd get rid of the body later, or just leave it in the ScareShack. Nobody would notice. 

After Randy's body had been perfectly concealed, he got to work cleaning the blood up. He remembered a handy tip that Mr Dickens had once told him about cleaning blood from a surface. He went into the cabinet under the sink and pulled out a bottle of chemicals. 

"Hydrogen Peroxide.. I think thats what it was. God, I never thought I'd need this but hey, Mr Dickens was right to get me to get a bottle on hand. Best not to ask him why though." Oliver shook his head, and cleaned up the blood. He even made a point to check it was all fully gone with the luminal-blacklight test. Seriously, WHY do people keep giving me tips on how to get away with murder aswell as giving me lots of murder mystery movies to watch? He sighed to himself. After getting changed into new clothes, he bagged up the bloody ones. 

And then Oliver finished making dinner, now having one less person to cook for.

June 6th 2021


Oliver put on his jacket and got ready to dispose of the body when he heard a knock on his door. He tried ignoring it but he knew fine well who was on the other side. Gingi. He could very distinctly smell them, their combined musk of roadkill and wet animal, alongside as their newer scent of pine trees and banana aswell as faintly smelling of mushroom that they usual gain whenever they are visiting bigfoot and their kids. Knowing Gingi, they werent going to go away from the door until he replied, so he hung his jacket up, got a knife and lightly sliced his finger with a knife and bandaged it. He was fairly certain Gingi was just wandering the apartment complex and could smell the blood from Randy's corpse. He was hoping they couldnt distinguish who's blood they could smell.

The banging got louder before Oliver finally opened the door.

"Oh em gee, Oliveman! Me was scuttling around like the lickle creechur me is and I could smell BLOOD! Is you and Randal okay??" The cryptid asked, tail dropping. While Gingi usually sounded like they were joking, he knew that the other was genuinely concerned. God did Oliver feel even worse now. He'd barely gotten a second of sleep all night. 

"Oh we're fine- Randy just left for a walk. I'm not sure when he'll be back though. And as for the blood, I was making a snack and I cut my finger" he held up his bandaged finger to emphasise his point.

"Well duuh. I could smell your blood, but more specifically the scent of Randy's fear and blood that I haven't smelled since his job swan wrangling. So is he okay? He's here, I can smell it! Shut up narrator, I'm not worried." Then the cryptid pushed past Oliver who was actively trying to get them out, sniffing at the ground. Gingi stopped at the floorboards that Randy was under.

"I can smell him here, is he hiding again?" They then lifted the floorboards away before pausing, shocked and horrified at the sight.

"Shit. Well you know too much now." And at that, Oliver swung down an axe on Gingi that they hadn't even noticed him get.

"I'm sorry.." A tear rolled down his face. He needed to tell Mr Dickens about this.. He'd understand, right? If not, well, he doubted he'd be seen in Dialtown ever again.


I had alot of fun with this one tbh :]

BB's Dialtown oneshots!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora