Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"Do something! Someone help!" Zayn's hands patted nervously at my body, trying to figure out what to do. I was now crying and clutching my stomach, part in pain and part to protect the twins.

It felt like knives were being dragged up my spine, and I swear I could feel the twins moving uncomfortably in my stomach.

Please don't let them be in pain.

"It's going to be ok. You're going to be fine, baby. Trust me. Everything is ok." Zayn whispered to me, trying to comfort me. I looked fearfully into his eyes, and saw an endless line of tears streaming down his face. I squeezed my eyes shut, crying more. I could no longer feel my legs, they'd gone numb. I tried to rub soothing patterns on my stomach, but my hands were shaking too much to make a difference.

I was barely aware of a knock at the door, when two ambulance officers came running through wheeling a stretcher. They counted to three before lifting me up and putting me on the stretcher. The pain was becoming unbearable, and I ended up slipping out of consciousness.

I opened my eyes to see I was in an unfamiliar room, surrounded by a group of people rushing around me. Doctors and nurses. I was in a hospital.

"Evelyn, honey, we're going to put you on your side now. Is that ok?" One of the nurses asked me sweetly. I slowly nodded my head, and squeezed my eyes shut in pain when I was rolled over.

"Good girl. You're doing great. We have to put some pressure on your spine now ok? This is going to hurt, but you have a baby on your nerves and we have to move them." She spoke again, and lightly brushed my hair out of my face.

The whole time she whispered soothing words to me, but I could hardly hear her over my own agonising screams. It felt like someone was punching my lower back over and over again, every time causing my whole body to twitch because of the stress being put on the nerves.

Finally it was over, and the nurse brushed my sweaty hair out of my face, before standing up and leaving the room. They flipped me over again onto my back, and another nurse came up to me this time.

"We're going to do an ultrasound now." She smiled and left the room.

The familiar feeling of an ultrasound, which I was now used to, almost comforted me. The procedure was performed, and I learned that both babies were alive. I didn't even know they could have been dead..

"They are alive, but we won't know if there are any physical injuries until they are born. Because of this, you will unfortunately have to stay here at the hospital until then." I stared blankly at her, taking everything in slowly.

From outside I saw the nurse who was talking to me before approach my room. The door opened and I was surprised and relieved to see the boys walk in. Zayn immediately ran to me, crying and kissing my face all over.

I smiled up at Louis, who seemed to be the only not completely lost and crying.

"How are you feeling, love?" Louis asked, smiling at me sadly.

"Better. The nurses had to put pressure on my back, so the babies would change position and not be lying on my spine anymore. That hurt a bit. But other than that, I feel fine. Just a bit shaken up."

"And the twins?" I didn't know what kind of answer to expect.

"They're alive. I know that much. We won't know if either of them are hurt until it comes time to have them. Speaking of that, I was told I have to stay in the hospital until they're born. I'm not sure if I want to do that.. It's still 3 months away.." I trailed off, slightly disappointed when I realised exactly what had to happen.

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