Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Although everyone seemed happy when they visited I could tell they weren't. Especially Zayn and Harry. I'd overheard Harry and Louis saying something about Zayn going to hospital because he wasn't eating or something, although they wouldn't actually tell me when I asked. I could see it though. He looked thinner every time he came to visit.

"Evelyn, hey." Louis said, opening up the door to my room.

"Hey Louis! Just you today?" I asked, noticing no one else had come through the door.

"Yeah, um.. Zayn and Harry couldn't come.." He looked away uncomfortably.


He looked at me in suprise, and I raised my eyebrows when he didn't respond.

"They're at a meeting with management. Apparently some fans were worried about them and made a complaint. I'm guessing you already know about them both not really eating.. And Zayn hasn't really been with it lately. He's missed out on rehearsals, and just sits there in meetings and interviews. He's really upset Eve." Louis admitted, looking up at me sadly.

"I know.." I whispered, not being able to say anything else when my throat got choked up and a single tear slid down my face.

"Babe. It's going to be ok. They're both going to be ok." When he noticed me crying, he leaped out of the chair and wiped the tear off my cheek. "That's what the meeting is for. Management are going to help them through this."

"Ok.." I sighed, hoping he was right. "Why are they both so worried about me anyway? I'm fine. The only reason I'm here is to monitor the twins, who are both now healthy too."

The look Louis gave me surprised me.

"What?" I asked. He was staring at me like I was stupid.

"Eve.." He whispered.

"Yeah?" I pushed, growing impatient.

"I know the doctors have told you that you and the twins are healthy, but do you really know just how healthy you are? Yeah, you're alive and breathing, but you're so pale. And have you seen how weak and thin you are? You can hardly stand anymore!" He threw his hands up in frustration.

Was I really that bad? I knew I was weak, but I thought that was just because of the twins growing.

I looked at my arms. Now that I knew, I realised I actually was pale and thin. My skin was almost transparent, and my bones stuck out through my skin.

"I don't look healthy.. At all.." I whispered in shock.

"You are Eve. You are healthy, on the inside. Just like the twins. Carrying these two is just draining on your body. Of course that would make you look unhealthy, and the boys are too worried to realise although you don't look it, you're fine." He sighed, patting my arm reassuringly.

I sighed, knowing there was nothing either of us could do to get them to understand. Hopefully management could do it.

"Anyway, do you know how much longer it is?" Louis asked, wanting to change the subject when he saw how upset I was.

"A month." I grinned, hoping that by thinking about this I would forget about Zayn and Harry for now.

"Wow not long now!" Louis exclaimed and put his hands on my stomach. "Can you even see past it?" He laughed.

"Not at all." I groaned.

"Only a month more and you can see your toes!" He laughed again.

I laughed along with him. "You're an idiot."

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