𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚝 🌷

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As the sun rises on another warm morning, a heavy sense of grief hangs in the air, casting a shadow over the tranquility.

The unanswered question of Jungkook's fate lingers, his body yet to be found, leaving uncertainty about whether he's alive or lost forever.

In the midst of this uncertainty, Yoongi stands as a pillar of strength for Jimin, offering unwavering emotional support in the face of their shared sorrow.

Jimin, despite the weight of their losses, diligently packs up items for Taehyung, who remains in the asylum, pregnant and facing his own challenges alone.

The absence of both Jungkook and Taehyung, coupled with the grief of their loss, takes its toll on Yoongi and Jimin.

Yet, they persevere, their resilience shining through as they navigate the turbulent waters of uncertainty and sorrow, holding onto hope and strength in each other.

"Have you got the items?" Jimin enters the apartment's living room, arms laden with groceries, some earmarked for Taehyung's use at the asylum.

"Yes, indeed. They're all here," Yoongi replies, depositing the groceries on the kitchen counter. Jimin swiftly begins sorting them, eager to leave before visiting hours end.

"Take it easy, love. Come here," Yoongi coaxes, enfolding Jimin gently in his arms. Jimin's soft whimpers escape, tears glistening in his eyes, though he manages a small chuckle.

"I'm alright -  Just a little sad sometimes. It weighs on me, but I have to stay strong for Tae and the baby," Jimin confesses.

"Don't worry. We'll visit Tae soon, lift his spirits. Did you find out the gender?" Yoongi inquires.

"Yes, but Tae wants it to remain a secret , at least until, you know, Jungkook might show up," Jimin murmurs, the absence of their friend still a raw wound.

"But his baby bump is adorable and he's positively radiant. Seems he took my advice," Jimin beams, grabbing his car keys.

"He's an adult, capable of raising a child well. Let's hope and I'm glad he's making wise decisions," Yoongi remarks, his tone tinged with optimism.


"You're handling everything remarkably well, dear," one of the nurses remarks, her tone gentle as she gestures towards Taehyung's burgeoning belly.

"Just remember to take it easy, okay?"

Taehyung offers a reassuring nod, returning to the task of folding freshly laundered clothes, a small act of service he performs willingly within the asylum's walls.

Pausing to ease himself onto a nearby chair, he soothes his lower belly with a tender massage, his breath hitching slightly as a soft chuckle escapes his lips.

As Taehyung surveys his surroundings, he notices a shift in the atmosphere, a subtle tension that hangs in the air like a heavy fog.

His symptoms are heightened now, the weight of his pregnancy pressing down on him, making each movement a laborious task.

Yet, he knows he must persevere, maintaining his composure to avoid any unwanted attention.

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