The Wyllt Estate

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You've probably heard the expression "Merlins Beard!" or just Merlin in general I presume. Well, our lineage comes from that O'great old Merlin himself.

These expectations of always being the best of the best, as well as being related to this great wizard are hard to come by...

Everything was as it should be with my daily routine, every day I woke up to get ready for school at Beauxbatons, eat brekkie made by yours truly, and off to study and return home to my mother's not-so-great cooking.

" Honey! You're going to be late for class!" beckoned my mum.

"I'm coming!" I say as I tie my hair back in an easy pony and head downstairs. I have always loved the Beauxbatons uniform, it's so frilly, and with every movement my lower hem twirls around along with me.

" Good mornin', father, mother," I say as I enter the kitchen.

" All set for another day of classes Gwendolyn? Already at the top of your class and it's not even your second year yet." says my father as he opens up the daily prophet.

To be honest, it all came easy, and I found no need to study, but if I didn't people would think I cheat.

" Oh yes, it's all going  swimmingly so far, and I've already made a few friends."

I transferred to Beauxbatons after being privately tutored by one of my father's professors in one of our private villas near our own estate. I barely transferred just a few days ago and am in my sixth year. My father has always been overly protective of his next successor of the Wyllt name as his father before his and so on. I don't know why, though.

"That's good to hear, well best be off now, or you won't make it in time for potions. " my mother said, giving me my satchel.

I made my way to the family carriage pulled by Pegesi and quickly stopped to pick up a close friend of mine, Rodney Gordon. Our families have known each other since we were wee lads, and he's probably the best and closest friend I've ever had.

Rodney only lives a couple of streets down near the Wyllt estate, which has been in our family for many generations, Father says we come from a line of nobility, from Merlin. I don't look much into it since I try to be my own person but, my parents always expect too highly of me.

" Mornin' Gwen took ya long enough to come to pick me up, I almost thought for a second you were gonna ditch me as ya did in our first year," Rodney responded as he got in the carriage.

" Haha... you know, I could next time if that'll get ya off your high horse Rod." I snark back.

We both look at each other and burst into laughter.

" Ah, and to think most Beauxbatons act that way on a daily basis, bloody hell if it weren't for us that school would be all posh and no personality whatsoever," said Rodney as he fixed his collar.

He was right, Beauxbatons was known for its high-class wizard folk, almost not many muggle-borns or half-bloods were at Beauxbatons. Not really easy making friends either, but, I don't tell my parents that.

We arrived at Beauxbatons, and the day went by as any day normally would, class, break time, study, lunchtime, more classes, and ultimately going back home later in the evening.

I bid Rodney goodbye and left for my home. Sometimes Rodney and I study after school at our estate, but, we've been tuckered out.

I make my way into the front gates of our home when suddenly it became all cloudy, I got chills and felt a very ominous presence in the air.

I run out of the carriage as the family house elf runs out of the front doors with blood streaming down his forehead.

" Ms. Gwendolyn! You mustn't come inside hurry, follow me to the back of the courtyard, you'll be safe in the underground safe room."

" W-wait! My parents, where are they?!" I said in a quivering tone, unsure of the events occurring in the estate as we speak.

" I can't answer that now madam; your safety is of the utmost priority right now; your parents will join you when the time is right..." he trails off as we make our way to the safe underground bunker room we only use in case of emergencies, life or death emergencies.

The family elf hands me a parcel containing a vile and three notes.

"Take these and stay in here, do not by any means open this door to anyone, madam, do you understand?" he says while barely keeping a leg up.

I look at him in his current state; I'm not stupid...I know things aren't looking or will be looking good anytime soon.

He leaves, and I squeeze the vile he left in my hand as well as holding the parcel close and tight towards my chest as I slowly squat downwards pressing my head in between my legs.

✧*✧ While Gwendolyn was at school ✧*✧

" Darling, what's been bothering you lately, you've been in your study a lot more than usual."

" Nothing, Winifred, it's just...I've been having this ominous and foreboding feeling..." said Joshua.

" Truth be told, I've been getting owls from Dumbeldore recently, and he's been having the same feeling as I."

"What do you there trouble approaching..." Winifred said while boiling water for tea.

"It's come to my attention that Beauxbatons isn't the safest for Gwendolyn right now...Dumbledore is the best wizard of our time now, and having her attend Hogwarts is the best option for us now. Dumbledore mentioned us as being clear targets for you-know-who next..." Joshua gets up from the table and starts pacing back and forth.

Winifred hugs him from behind.

" Don't worry, I trust you in any decision you think is right, especially for our daughter, she is the head of the Wyllt family now, and I understand why she must move, but...why are they targeting us?" she asks.

" Not only because we are purebloods is probably after Myriddns 1,000 book of enchantments and spells which has been passed down from our family for generations...Dumbledore mentioned you-know-whos interest in it since it contains ancient spells not known to just any witch or wizard." Joshua answers as he pours cups of tea.

The Wyllts weren't like your run-of-the-mill purebloods, they were kind and welcoming to any witch or wizard, muggle-born or half-blood alike, and the dark lord knew of this.

Suddenly, dark clouds appeared inside and outside of the manor, destroying the tall glass windows surrounding the estate. Black smoke engulfed the inside of the study, the kitchen, and everywhere you could possibly imagine in this once bright-filled place.

" Joshua!" Winifred cried out.

Everything went dark...

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

A/N: Heyo so hope yall like this I'm still working out the kinks of the story but I promise there will be good love interests and such later on so...please continue reading :)

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