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Death eaters, known for their apparition in dark clouds, came in and out of the Wyllt estate. There were ten death eaters shattering everything in their site; fires started to spread to every corner, and soon black smoke filled every nook and cranny of the estate.

Spells were being cast left and right.

" Micheal!" Joshua called out as he hurried to a small box hidden underneath the cupboard and opened it containing a parcel with three notes and a vile.

"CRUCIO!" Winifred called out, blocking the death eaters' spell, letting Micheal into the kitchen and hiding behind a table with Winifred and Joshua.

" Madam, Master, what may I assist you with?" the family house-elf called out while ducking.

"Take these, and hand them to Gwendolyn; take her to the safe house; she should be coming home soon. The paperwork for her moving to Hogwarts has already been made. The note contains everything that I have anticipated up till now and some other things." Joshua handed Micheal the parcel containing three separate notes and the vile.

Joshua casts spells left and right, trying to open a path to Micheal as he flees out of the estate and to the open front gates to meet Gwen before she comes upon the main grounds.

" Joshua!" Winifred's breath was ragged, holding her arm to where a glass shard scraped her from the blast. "There's too many of them...I can't keep up".

Joshua rushes over to Winifred and helps her maintain her balance. As a dark figure approaches both of them holding each other in an embrace.

" Well, well, well...Now I say, Joshua, I knew this would happen sooner or later. You blood-traitor, thank goodness the Dark Lord sent me as an emissary on his behalf to get rid of you lot." The hooded figure took of his mask, and there and behold was-

" Lucius Malfoy..." Joshua said as he got in front of Winnie and moved her behind him. " How am I not surprised to find you here."

" So sad to see such a family legacy of pure-bloods be stooped so low. I've always despised you and your family for liking muggles and other creatures and seeing them as our equal, US." Malfoy takes an exasperated breath and chuckles as he removes his wand from his walking stick.

" And it brings me such joy that I'll be the one to cut off this filthy blood-traitor bloodline for good, here and now."

Malfoy quickly flicks his wand and yells the worst curse there is Avada kedavra.

Greenlight emanated from the room, and cynical laughter filled the manor as all the black smoke and clouds ruch out of the estate and out to their individual paths, including Malfoy, who dealt the last blow.

The estate is still in shambles, and fire spreads to their once peaceful, laughter-filled home.

P R E S E N T     T I M E

I can't be cooped up in this safe house forever... my parents... they could be...

No. I can't think that. My eyes start to swell up with tears, and I try to wipe them away and stand up, holding the parcel in my hand.

I need to do something, anything.

I push back to the door, exit the safe room, and run out to the main grounds of the estate, all the way to the main entrance.

I immediately stopped in my tracks and looked up to my home... or what was left of my home.

Flames engulfed everything everywhere, black fumes sprouting from the broken windows and glass flung everywhere in front of the cobblestone path.

I fall to my knees and just sob and break. I knew if my parents were okay, they would've come to get me by now...

As I sob uncontrollably, holding the parcel in my hands, and punch the cobble path from under me, leaving scratches on my fists, becoming bloody with the sheer force of my emotions.

My fist is stopped and caught mid-air. I sniffle as I look up, tears still streaming down my face. It was Rodney, out of breath. He practically ran all the way over here, about a 3-mile run from his home to mine.

"R-Rodney...I-I...My home...My parents they're..." I choked at the last part and couldn't make sense of my speech.

Rodney, not saying a thing kneels to my level and embraces me. I rest my head on his chest as he caresses the top of my head and rubs circles along my back as I wail. Not only out of anger and sadness but from being full-on shattered at my core. I lost my safe haven, the only family I ever had.

" I'm here, Gwen..." Rodney looks at my hand, which has been painted with blood, and cradles it.

I look down at him, grabbing my hand and slightly squeezing it, trying to recollect my thoughts.

" Come with me, Gwen; we must get you bandaged up." He stood up and lifted me to his side, carrying almost all my weight; I had no strength in me.

We slowly make our way to the estate's gates, and I try not to look back at the sight of what my home is now.

I look to Rodney " Hey, um... how did you know I...why did you come..." I couldn't find the right words and my throat sore and horse from all the crying and screaming.

" Gwen..." he looks straight at me, maintaining eye contact. " there was smoke coming from your estate, and for what made me run over here like a madman was..." He looked away and struggled to finish his sentence.

" Was what? Rodney, tell me-"

" The You-Know-Whos dark mark... in the sky"

I felt a shiver go down my spine. And I felt limp again.

Rodney held me as I leaned against him.

"Woah there, I didn't want to mention it. You're in a very delicate state right now."

Rodney picked me up bridal style, and I sank into his arms. I looked probably lifeless and empty to him; I could feel his stare on me as I just closed my eyes and wished for everything to be a nightmare, a very bad nightmare that I wished I could wake up from and wake to see my parents, my mother making tea. My father reading the daily prophet as it always has been.

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