Remember the name of the Lord

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Psalms 20:7

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Psalms 20:7

7  Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.

There are so many things going on in the world today that it gets so easy to get discouraged, it gets so hard to keep moving but we must remember the name of The Lord our God. We can't faint. We can't get weary.

Things are happening on every side, wars, murders, violence and this world won't get any better. It's already written.

This world is ending, no man, not even the angels in heaven know the day or the hour, only the Father knows but it's ending.

Until that day comes we have to keep moving, we have to keep the faith, we have to keep believing, we have to keep using the gift or gifts that God gave us to spread the gospel.

Jesus saves. He's for you, he's for me, he's for everyone.

He died for the sins of the entire world and rose again on the third day.

He loves you so much. He wants you to choose him, to live for him.

He's with you every step of the way, no matter what it seems like, no matter what happens.

When people talk about you or talk down on you.

When it feels like the burden is too heavy to carry.

When everything seems to be going every way but the right way.

Remember the Word of God. Remember that there is power in the name of Jesus. Place your trust in him.

I pray, you pray, we all pray that God continues adding to strength, that he continues adding to faith, that we all keep trusting him, and that we remember the precious name of the Lord our God forevermore.

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