Chapter 6 - Henry

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It's dark outside when he wakes, and Connor is surprised to find himself back in his bed. The centre of his forehead is throbbing, a sting left as a bitter aftertaste of the events at the Corohahn. He assumes Benny must have carried him back after the accident, but he can't help thinking of Benny's face as he struck the blow.

He was angry. He attacked with his emotions. It was something he had told Connor not to do for two whole weeks. He had also begun to believe that Benny didn't even know how to hold an emotion, let alone display any of them. So why would he have done that?

He feels uneasy about why the man who was training him would end their day early by causing him physical harm. Throughout all the training, when using swords they had always discussed control. Had Benny lost his in that moment?

He can hear the sounds of people shouting outside and he recognises Link's voice above them all.

"But you didn't have to do that!" He hears Link shout in a loud tone, steeped in bitterness. An unusual tone for the normally-sweet youngster.

"I did and you know it!" Replies another raised voice. It's Benny and he sounds angry. The depth of his voice is giving him the upper hand over Link.

He gets out of bed and steps into his boots, heading for the commotion outside. As he draws the curtain back, the camp goes silent as everyone turns to look at him. They are all wide-eyed and slacked jaws as Link is the first to break away. He runs to Connor and nearly knocks him off his feet as he envelopes him in a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're awake," he rushes into Connor's ear. His neck feels wet as Link begins to sob on his shoulder.

"I'm good buddy," he lies as he rubs his hand up and down the boys back. "It was just a wrong footing I guess."

Benny physically extracts Link from Connor by the collar as he looks into the boy's eyes and places a hand under his chin.

"You looked like you were going to defend," he says to Connor with an awkward attempt at a smile. He turns Connor's head from left to right inspecting him. "You did so well today, what stopped you at that point?"

Connor feels confused. He was sure that the incident was due to Benny. Had he imagined the way the man looked as he charged at him?

"Sorry," he says weakly, "I got distracted by a sound I heard overhead."

"Ah the senses," Benny replies stepping back. "They will play tricks on you at that moment. It's about learning what's real and what is not. But it's ok, you will start to pick that up more when you begin working with Henry and the defence from tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Exclaims Link, moving to face Benny straight-on. "There's no way he can go tomorrow. He's just been unconscious again. He needs to stay here with me tomorrow to rest!"

Benny snaps his head towards Link. "What have I told you this evening young man about getting above your station? Remember why we are all doing this and stick to the plan!"

The last part is said lower and through gritted teeth, as if it were a statement meant only for Link's ears. But Connor understands. They had a plan as a group on how to survive, and just because they found him, "later on" doesn't mean any of that changes. He simply has to fit in with the already-moving cogs.

"It's fine," he speaks up as he places a hand on Link's shoulder. "I'll be good by the morning after a good nights sleep and a decent meal."

That night is the first time that the whole camp is together. Connor pushes away the thoughts of doubt and insecurity to just enjoy the moment. He keeps glancing at Benny, trying to work out what doesn't sit right in his head.

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