Chapter 16 - Genesis

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Death can be brought about in many different ways.

It can be expected after a battle with a disease, whether spending that time in a hospital or at home. Surrounded by loved ones who are painfully waiting for the inevitable. Slowly able to start dealing with their emotions over the time that the sickness takes hold and weakens the victim.

It can come from old age, watching someone with love and admiration as they have celebrated a life before them. Those around are able to remain smiling and happy as the person enjoys their last few years on the earth, surrounded by those who care for them.

But one of the worst ways, one of the ways that will never be accepted, is when death comes so suddenly. So young. The way someone is ripped from you, like a page torn from a book when their story was getting to a crucial point or the poetry was so beautiful that you craved more.

When something is taken with no warning and no preparation, its sting is tinged in shock, disbelief and anger. Anger so pure, that nothing and nobody can ease the rage.

Staring into the pitch-black abyss below the cliff edge, there is no sign of Carter or the bear.

Connor can't react to it immediately. He just stays there, body pressed against the ground as his hands cling to the edge staring down, praying and hoping for anything to say it was a joke.

His tears fall from his eyes and into the darkness. Getting lost in a world of nothing.

With what little strength he has, he stands and races back towards the cabin, collapsing next to a distraught Genesis and pulls her in for a hug. He holds her tightly as she sobs heavily into his chest.

The one person who has always been with her is gone. Her twin. From birth until this very day, she has had him there for her. Caring and loving, keeping her safe and happy. But now, she doesn't have that anymore. Suddenly, some force has decided they should no longer be together and that Carter was the one that had to go.

Connor slowly stands and leads her back into the cabin, sitting her down on the bed. She instantly looks to the floor and sees Carter's jacket. She surges forward and grabs it before holding it close and curling up into a ball on the bed.

She cries herself to sleep after an hour or so. Connor just sitting and stroking her hair.

He looks down to the ground to see the two camping mats laid out, the two blankets and Carter's knife sitting beside his bag. Connor leans down and runs his hand across the spot where the boy slept the night before. Tears spilt from his eyes like they were racing to escape him.

He closes his eyes, but sleep doesn't come. He just lays there all day, crying or staring into nothing. Neither he nor Genesis move. They just stay quiet, separated from one another and trying to process what has just happened.


The next week becomes the same every day. Connor would wake and find Genesis still clinging to the jacket. He would cautiously head out and wash, before returning to find her in the same position.

He would go out and try to explore a bit. Trying to get away from the cabin so he can focus on something else. But he doesn't stray too far from where they stay. Making sure he is there for when Genesis is ready to head back to the clearing.

He would return at night, to find her washed, but back in the same position, clinging to the jacket as she had fallen back to sleep.

After 8 days, she finally speaks to Connor. She finally tells him she is ready to head back home and let everybody know what has happened.

Before they leave, Connor places a wooden cross that he has made by the side of the Cabin. Into the little patch of grass that is like a lawn to it. They place Carter's knife down into the ground, the blade piercing the dirt as they both step back and spend a moment of silence for the man who was taken without warning.

The Mercury Wars: The ClearingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang