Chapter 20 - Survivor

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Blood spills from Genesis' chest as she lay lifeless on the ground. Her eyes are wide open as she stares across the flame-emblazoned Corohahn, piercing into Connor's soul. He screams out and stands to run towards her but Benny blocks his path by swinging the bow into his face, knocking him back to the ground again.

She is now another name on the ever-growing list of victims who tried to help him escape from this hell.

The fire continues to spread rapidly, making the air thick with smoke. Although daytime, it resembles night more with every second as the clouds hang in the air. A grey rooftop that is lit up by the orange hues as the flicker of the embers dance around the atmosphere in a mesmerising manner.

"You can't stop this!" Benny screams as he looks down at Connor. "You couldn't do it with their help and you definitely can't do it without them!"

Blood pours from his nose as Connor stands again to face his enemy. The only man standing between him and his freedom right now. He clutches Eindride with his full force as he charges forward. Screaming as he runs.

Never relenting, they begin to fight again. Benny uses his sword and the bow whilst Connor pushes with all his might. Every swing is an attempt at justice for the friends he has lost. For Carter, he aims for Benny's shoulder. For Levi, he aims for his waist. For Genesis, he aims for his neck. But every blow is blocked. Every blow is unsuccessful.

He manages to disarm the bow from his opponent as he seizes his chance. He swings Eindride down from the air and as Benny crosses the bow and sword with his hands, Connor sharply raises his knee to knock the bow from his grasp. The swords meet in a clash of metal, both warriors gritting their teeth as they try to over-power the other.

"Why?" Connor screams. "Why do this? You can't agree with it?"

"There's more to this than just you Connor," Benny shouts back, attempting to nudge his elbows and disarm Connor against the pushback. "My wife needs help. Only Mercury Industries can save her. You were just a pawn in saving her life."

"And everyone else?" Connor replies, trying not to choke on the thick air around them. "What were they?"

"Collateral damage!"

As Benny says his response, he stomps his heel onto Connor's foot, making the younger man lose his strength. Benny pushes back with his weapon and Connor stumbles. He takes his chance and swipes his sword forward, slicing into Connor's side as he does.

Connor falls to the ground again. His side is in agony as he screams out once more in pain. He collapses onto his front, Eindride lost to the ground beside him as he begins choking on the air. Benny stalks across and stands above him. Sweat dripping from his brow and blood staining his shirt.

"Even now you're pathetic," he chides as he kicks Connor in the side where he has just cut him open, rolling him onto his back. "You killed all those people and you still think you get to play the victim. Kane was right about you. You truly weren't worth all that time and money."

Connor wheezes as he tries to catch his breath. The smoke is forming a small circle around them both, cutting off any line of sight further than a few feet in front of their eyes.

"You think that all this was for you?" Benny continues, walking closer and stomping down on Connor's leg. The crack of the bone beneath his shoe is still heard over the gut-wrenching cry that Connor let out. "Everyone had their reasons and you just so happened to be the golden ticket we all needed to help those we love. Even your little boy-toy lied to you."

"You're wrong," Connor winces as he tries to ignore the agony spreading through him.

"Am I?" Benny torments as he kicks Connor once more in the side, rolling him further towards the wall of flames beside them. He kneels down beside him and grabs the mans face roughly, turning it to look at him. "If I'm so wrong, then where is he now?"

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