« Twenty One »

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"So I really hope you and Staton are free tonight!" Julia jumps up and down with excitement

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"So I really hope you and Staton are free tonight!" Julia jumps up and down with excitement. Staton and I were sitting on the couch in the living room.

"We should be, I don't think we have anything going on?" I ask, searching Staton's face for an answer.

"Okay good, because you know how the other day at the beach we were talking about how I don't have a boy blah blah blah..." Julia pauses for a moment, as if she was waiting for us to respond.

"Uh, yeah?" I question.

"Well glad you do, because I got asked out today at work and I told him only if it could be a double date with you two." She was shaking with excitement. "He is so cute and I can't wait to see him again. So we are going to dinner tonight!"

"I guess a double date sounds fine. I'd love to take you out, sweetheart." Staton whispered, leaning over to kiss me on the cheek.

"Okay, yeah gross, stop that. The only reason you guys are invited is because I'm terrified of being drugged again, so I need someone there that can make sure he is safe, and I am safe."

"That's smart of you, I'll go get ready. When do we need to leave?" I stood from the couch before realizing I had no idea what to wear. "Actually why don't you come help me get dressed and we can talk all about it." I smiled.

"Yes! I would love that. Let me grab my things as well." Julia rushed off to her room to gather whatever she needed to get ready.

"Are we really going on a double date with her?" Staton chuckled.

"I guess we are." I smiled back, leaning down to kiss him before Julia swirled back into the room, grabbing my arm, and rushing me off to my bedroom so we could get ready.


"When is he supposed to show up?" Staton questions, looking around the restaurant nervously. I wasn't sure why he was so worried. It wasn't him going on a date with a stranger.

"He said he was going to be here around six." Julia checked the watch on her wrist. It was ten minutes shy of six, so we had a few minutes to waste.

"Maybe we sat down a little too early." I tried to comfort Staton, grabbing his hand that was resting on the table.

"What's his name?" Staton asked, filling the awkward void of silence with questions.

"Tony!" Isn't that cute? Julia beamed, her entire face lighting up just at the sound of his name. This was going to be bad if he never showed up.

"I guess that's a cute name." Staton mumbled while shaking his head.

"Do you feel ready to see him?" I smiled, reaching across the table to add any comfort to Julia I could. Everyone seemed to be so nervous and I couldn't figure out why.

"Yeah, I'm really excited. I'm a little nervous since this is my first proper date. I've never had someone ask me out before. We've always just ended up hanging out. But this time felt like he was actually interested in me. It felt good to have the typical 'would you like to go on a date with me' conversation."

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