~ch.03: where am i?

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In the depths of the subterranean realm, where the veil of darkness held sway, a dormant beast of immense power stirred fitfully. The behemoth's colossal eye, like a sapphire imbued with an enigmatic fire, had remained closed for an eternity. Yet, its unseen presence permeated the air, tangling with my senses in a maddening dance. The ethereal whispers within me entreated me to seek her out, to unravel the secrets she held. Reluctantly, I entertained the notion, though doubts clouded my mind. How did the hidden depths of my being possess knowledge of this creature's gender? Had I encountered her before, unbeknownst to my fragmented consciousness?

As if sensing my skepticism, the voice within, tinged with a touch of madness, assuaged my doubts. "A feeling, precious," it hissed, quieting my dissent. Compelled by an unseen force, I succumbed to the call of curiosity, navigating the treacherous cavern with bated breath. A low rumble reverberated through the ancient stone, jolting my nerves, and I startled as a fiery blue eye materialized before me, peering inquisitively from the inky abyss. Its piercing gaze scanned the surroundings, lending an otherworldly luminescence to the shadows. Summoning what little courage remained within me, I ventured forth, my voice trembling as I dared to breach the silence. "Hello?" I called out tentatively, my words reverberating through the subterranean chamber. The eye persisted, flickering with curiosity, but no response came, save for its enigmatic reappearance.

Embarking on a tenuous verbal dance, I mustered the strength to inquire of her identity, cautiously unraveling the enigma that shrouded her. "Who are you?" I beseeched, my eyes meeting the intense gaze of her fiery ocular manifestation. And then, like a wisp of smoke, her voice wafted forth, soft and feminine, suffusing the air with an otherworldly grace. "My name is Tatsuo, little creature," she intoned, her voice carrying a melodic cadence. An undercurrent of mystery and power lingered within her words, as if the vast expanse of her existence could barely be contained.

Tantalizingly, her eye vanished for a moment, only to be followed by the emergence of a snout, shrouded in the same obsidian darkness. It was then that I beheld her true grandeur, comprehending the magnitude of her being. Towering above me, Tatsuo's form was an embodiment of sublime beauty. Her sleek obsidian scales glistened in the dim light, adorned with icy protrusions that mimicked the elegance of crystalline stalactites. Majestic horns adorned her regal head, and her serpentine tail bore the weight of frozen spines, resonating with her formidable presence. "Where am I, Gollum?" she inquired, her ethereal gaze fixated upon my diminutive form.

Barely reaching her underlip, I marveled at her splendor. My inner voice, ever present and strangely comforting, purred with admiration, affirming her magnificence. Despite her partial manifestation, there was an undeniable allure that emanated from her. "You're in a cave under the Misty Mountains, Tatsuo," I answered, my voice regaining its composure. Tatsuo's melodic hum rippled through the air, momentarily suspending the rumbling within the cavern. "Oh, I'm sorry, Gollum," she apologized, a hint of remorse coloring her words. A feeble attempt at a smile tugged at the corners of my lips, grateful for her empathy in that moment of shared vulnerability.

"No need," I assured her, casting my gaze downward and retreating to my humble ledge. As the cavern trembled beneath Tatsuo's immense presence, I stole a glance behind me, witnessing her graceful departure. Her ebony form shimmered in the diffused light, captivating in its magnificence. Along her formidable spine and neck, icicle-like spikes and straight black horns lent an air of danger and elegance. Even in her departure, her enchanting tail, adorned with the same frozen spines that adorned her visage, left an indelible impression upon my senses. "What are you?" I murmured, my voice barely a whisper, though the words echoed resoundingly within me. She must have heard, for a melodic chuckle escaped her, drifting like a haunting melody in the cavernous expanse. "I am what they call a dragon," she declared, her fiery blue eyes searching my soul.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐒: 𝑺𝑴𝑨𝑼𝑮 | FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now