~ch.13: the white concil

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Gandalf and Elrond march up a flight of marble stairs. "With or without our help, these dwarves will march on the mountain. They are determined to reclaim their homeland. I do not believe Torin Oakenshield feels that he is answerable to anyone. Nor for that matter am I." Gandalf says, and Elrond smiles as he says, "It is not me you must answer to." Elrond leads the wizard into a pavilion. There, a tall, beautiful elf stands framed against the moonlight. She slowly turns around, revealing herself to be Galadriel. "Lady Galadriel. " Gandalf breathes in awe. the lady of light smiles and says, "Mithrandir. " she then switches over to Elvis "It has been a long time."  Gandalf and gives her a gracious bow. "Age may have changed me, but not the Lady of Lorien," he says, and Galadriel smiles at the wizard. Gandalf smiles too. "I had no idea Lord Elrond had sent for you," he says suddenly. A voice sounds from the darkness. Gandalf sees Saurman, the white, sitting in a far corner.

"He didn't. I did,"  he says, and Gandalf bows. "Saruman." the gray wizard says, and Saurman stands smiling. "You've been busy of late, my friend. Later Dawn breaks behind the White Council. Gandalf and Saruman are seated at a marble table while Galadriel and Elrond circle around them. "Tell me, Gandalf. Did you think these plans and schemes would go unnoticed." the white wizard says in a causing tone. Gandalf looks up at him shaking his head. "Unnoticed? No, I'm simply doing what I feel to be right." Galadriel speaks up. "The dragon has long been on your mind." Gandalf glances over at her, nodding. "It is true, my lady—Smaug owes allegiance to no one. But if he should side with the enemy, a dragon could be used to terrible effect." they don't talk about Tatsuo after that. Only they two and Elrondknows about her. Saurman knows her prhochesy but only that. He believes it isn't true that anything can save the dwarves from their fate.

"What do you mean?" Elrond says. "There is something at work beyond the evil of Smaug. Something far more powerful. We can remain blind to it, but I promise you that it will not ignore us. A sickness lies over the Greenwood. The woodsmen now call it Mirkwood, and they say..." Gandalf says, but his voice  trails off, uncertain. "Well, don't stop now. Tell us what the woodsmen say." Saurman says. "They speak of a Necromancer living in Dol Guldur, a sorcerer who can summon the dead, " the gray wizard says, but the council's head dismisses the idea quickly. "That's absurd. No such power exists in this world. This Necromancer is nothing more than a mortal man. A conjurer is dabbling in black magic." Gandalf sighs, admitting, "And so I thought too, but Radagasthas saw -" but the gray wizard gets cut off by saurman, who looks appalled. "Radagast? Do not speak to Radegast the Brown. He is a foolish fellow."

Gandalf SIGHS as Saruman goes on a tirade about the brown wizard. Galadriel stops in her tracks, staring at Gandalf. She begins to speak TELEPATHICALLY. "You carry something. It came to youfrom Radagast. He found it in DolGuldur" Gandalf answers her, "Yes." the lady of light continues looking at him. "Show me." From out of his robes, Gandalf slowly lifts out Radagast's package. He rests it on the table, letting out a dull thud. "What is that?" Elrond says, and Galadriel looks at it wide-eyed as Tatsuo's voice hisses in her head, "A relic of Mordor." Elrond reaches towards the package, unwrapping it. The blade from Dol Guldur rests inside. The WhiteCouncil looks shocked. "A Morgul blade." Elrond breathes, and Galadriel starts to say the writings about this blade, looking over at the wizards. "Made for the Witch-king of Angmar and buried with him. When Angmarfell, men of the north took his body and all that he possessed and sealed it within the High Fells of Rhudaur. They buried them deep within the rock in a tomb so dark it would never come to light." Elrond speaks upstanding a little straighter. "That is not possible. A powerful spell lies upon those tombs; they can not be opened." then Saruman speaks up, choosing not to believe the proof in front of him.

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