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Dusk was a new sophomore attending Forks high, and all's well would ends well for the teen. If she would one learn to keep to herself, and two perhaps maybe attending school more than she would like wasn't the brightest idea.

Being forever stuck at eighteen surely would be everyone dream of being immortal expect her immortal life has one flaw, her gift is well one that causes her problems. She never could know to control it. It just acted on its own when she needed it.

She may have been a vampire but her gifts gave her all the abilities of still being human. She could sleep, she eat human food to some limits, she could dream, she could cry. She basically was human with these powers she could force a heartbeat.

Pretty amazing, that is her oh so ever human abilities soon can keep her hidden from the vampire family for long.

Dusk Longhorn

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Dusk Longhorn

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