Chapter Four

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Dusk's Pov
As much as I wanted to lay low and not drawl too much attention to myself there was only so long I could go with ignoring the urges of blood. As much as it pained me to do, I was gonna have to get a custom to the Forks woods sooner than later. So what perfect time than that following Saturday, I found myself quite lost in the entirety of the woods.

I had went down one path, that twisted and turned into another section. Before another path took me down near the largest waterfall I had ever witnessed.

It was nice to get my mind cloudy away from worrying about the Cullen family finding out about me. But then in a normal perhaps hiding wasn't helping me one bit, if I wanted to understand and learn more, when I was turned years ago, I had almost died in a car accident when Marie she came out of nowhere she apologized to me profoundly about how much it was gonna hurt before she bit me.

She oddly enough had the sense to stay with me on the edge of the woods while I was turning. After my transformation was done she explained to me the basics really. Stuff about mates, gifts. How kind she was to give me immortal life and to never be seen again.

I was so lost in thought rubbing at my mouth to clear away the blood from my lips counting on my head the possibility that Jasper was my mate when I bumped into someone, I've been doing that a lot lately.

"Dusk?" I fluttered my eyes for once not wearing those glasses I didn't need looking in surprise at Edward? I jumped back a few steps a nervous laugh leaving me quietly.

"Edward? Hi uhm what are you doing out here?" I asked him watching the way his eyes grew wide for a moment before he hands shoved back into the back pockets off his jeans.

"I could be asking you the same thing. What are you doing all the way out here? It's extremely dangerous out here." I glanced around the area, which he wasn't wrong for once. I was just hoping I cleaned up enough of the blood, before Edward's eyes narrowed at me for a moment.  Before he nodded his head at me for him to follow him down to path, to which I followed behind his large strides.

"You know at first Dusk you were doing a good job at staying hidden. But I think you underestimate how long me and my family have be pretending to be humans to go to school." I was still glancing around the full view of the path, speaking casually without sparring him a glance.

  "I knew you guys were vampires when I bumped into Alice. Not many people have gold eyes and openly show them off. Vegetarians usually hide them behind contacts unless they are still newborns." He finally spun around to face me once we reached a nearby clearing the creek was loud with rushing water, and rocks spread along the edges of it. It was a nice view I focused on the water flowing it was calming.

"I'm a vampire yes, I see the looks your family gives me.. Jasper but at the same time my gift allows for me to be human. That's why you guys look confused when I touch you, my gifts makes me seem human still." Edward whipped around to stare at me quickly.

"What- how is that possible!" I glanced at him from the corner of my eye, before carefully digging into my pocket grabbing the contact lenses case taking the color contacts out placing them in. Showing off my own gold eyes before stepping towards Edward grabbing his hand to place where the heartbeat was.

"You can feel the heartbeat can't you?" The way his eyes sudden grew wide the thump was continuous.

"T-thats amazing." I cracked a faint smile chuckling letting his hand fall for a moment before still speaking to explain it.

"I basically appear human. I can sleep and dream, I can eat, cry. I can go out into the sun for some time before I sparkle basically everything human to a woman periods included." He was still staring at me in amazement before blurting out.

"Of course it all makes sense why Jasper isn't effect by your blood flow because it's mimicking it. There's no actual blood.. Which means you two are mates." I faintly smiled holding my hands over me for a moment holding them in front of me.

"So.. Mates that's a real thing that happens to us.. Jasper is my mate?" Edward cracked a faint smile my way sinking his shoulders back for a moment.

"Mates are real yes... I do believe you are Jasper's mate we thought for a while Alice was because she was the one who found him... Jasper has a bit of history he was born in a different time like me as well." I fluttered my eyes a few times before blurting out.

"Are you trying to say he's racist?!" Edward was quick to hold his hands out fast.

"Wait wait! Like back during his time I would say... Maybe he was fighting on the confederate side." My jaw dropped so quickly and it seemed Edward was looking more nervous than before.

"But he's learned a lot! and you know." I narrowed my eyes at him even more before blurting out storming passed Edward.

"I'll just ask him myself take me to your house!"

"Oh come on Dusk...."

"Now Edward!"

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