Chapter Six

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Dusk's Pov
It was a little awkward at first between me and Jasper. It took a couple weeks before we would walk into class together and walk one another to other classes. He would ask me questions, I would ask another. We would spend most of lunch talking in the car.

"So you live in that place all by yourself? Where's your coven?" I looked at Jasper from the surface of the hood of his car, swinging my legs a couple times.

"Well when I was turned by Marie I never really thought I would meet more of my kind. She just turned me one day and left." Jasper looked away for a moment rubbing his hands over his arms a couple times.

"My maker was the same she changed me, bit me all over my arms. Made me make an army with her..she was a puppet master.. She controlled me and I thought it was love it wasn't." my physical soul hurt just heading this from him.

He rolls up the sleeve to show me all the deep bite marks over his skin.

My warm palms rubbed over them with a sad expression. "What the hell is wrong with these vampires just changing people and using them. I'm so sorry Jasper to hear that." Both our hands were tracing over the bites. His own fingers tracing over my bite that was on the side of my neck.

"Seems we both have messed up creation stories huh?" I cracked a small smile suddenly laughing nodding my head a couple times, he dropped his hand away from my neck.

I helped him pull his sleeves down over his arms way over. Edward had made his way over to the both of us with Rosalie.

I flashed them a smile watching the way Edward was looking between us. He had became my best friend with Alice. He had such a strange sense of humor.

"It's nice to see you two getting along so well, you should move in with us so you aren't lonely on that apartment." I giggled looking away for a moment shuffling closer to the hood of Jasper's car.

"I wouldn't want to intrude on you guys that way, I don't mind being in my apartment even though I enjoy spending time with you guys." Edward gave me another smile. Rosalie had focused in for a moment fluttering her eyes a couple times.

"We like you Dusk, I actually like you a lot. It's just a suggestion if you get lonely what were you two talking about?" The both of us shared a quick look one amount. I blinked my golden eyes that I now that I put on display. The only thing I did to keep my vampire mannerisms was the only basics of my gift.

"Creations stories of how we were turned. My greater Marie drank from me one day in the woods and she stayed by my side till I woke up. Told me everything I needed to know then she left I never saw her again." Rosalie had a look of disgust on her face while I was explaining it to them. Jasper was nodding his head along with my words.

I felt him placing his hand over my lower back tracing his fingers alongside my spine. It was comforting for a moment.

"That's terrible... Carlisle changed me and Esme around the same. Sometimes it feels like yesterday but it was years ago. We both were dying." My mouth almost fell open in shock.

Everyone just seemed to have a terrible story. Rosalie looked uncomfortable for a moment.

"You don't have to share Rosalie." I reassured her moving my hands to squeeze at her hand rubbing my thumb over her palms. She squeezed back at them in a manner that spoke thank you for not forcing it.

"What are we talking about?" I grinned at Emmett he had jogged over tossing his arms over Rosalie's shoulder kissing at her cheek a few times smiling.

"Talking about how we were turned." Jasper spoke cracking a little small smile in everyone's direction.

"Oh shit are we? I got attacked by a bear and Rosalie had Carlisle change me." I exclaimed so quick like in shock leaning over the hood.

"You fought a bear?! Are you crazy no wonder you almost died." The loudest left from Edward's mouth while he quickly covered his mouth looking to the side.

Everyone was interesting and I wanted to be around them more. "Are we sharing stories!" The loud squeak of Alice had me happily throwing her back into a hug when she hugged at me quick sitting next to me putting her arms around my shoulders as well.

"Creation stories." Edward said with his laughter still leaving from his lips.

"You know I don't remember much from when I was turned." Alice started to speak with us all tuning in.

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