Chapter One

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Dusk's Pov
The air felt almost airy like, it was almost like it was heavy but at the very same time it wasn't. This was the first place that I had moved to where I knew it was either always cold and gloomy a nice type a weather I would say so.

Forks Washington, such a small town, surrounded by long roads, and bask amounts of forests that seemed to be stretching for miles at a time. In sight it was a perfect hiding grounds for many of my kind alike.

I had driven in, in less than a week prior, with my own little apartment there was no reason I needed a large house when it was just me. I wasn't too sure why I never joined a coven back when I was turned a few years ago, but the most obvious reason was my very odd immortal gift I possessed.

I didn't quite understand it for the most part I remember it almost like it was yesterday. At first it was the slipping into sleep so easily. I assumed from being a creature off the night you couldn't sleep. From that day on it became more known that my gift made me still appear human.

I could relatively eat food like I use too, too much just made me feel sick, since I still needed blood. Hell I even still could cry I could go into the sunlight for a good amount of time before the sparkles took over. I could make a pulse and have a heart beat. In my mind I never had turned into a vampire with how much human my gift made me.

The only real thing that showed my immortality was my gold eyes that I hid with my brown contacts and my need to hunt for animal blood.

A heavy sigh left from my lips, allowing my feet to hit across the wet concrete, I'm so glad I had came a week ago to pick up my schedule and already had a clue where all the classrooms were. Always think ahead when you are in a new place.

I lightly ruffled up my hair in the process looking back down to stare at my book, entering inside the building, it was a easy few rules I told myself.

Just act human, your abilities already made it easy and just keep to yourself you'll be finished in no time. I had glanced up just in time quickly shutting my book fast like, apologizing fast when I collided into another body my head flew up apologies flying from me quickly my heart speeding away.

"I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." I was so quick to apologize watching as the short hair flew into her face for a moment her hand reaching to shove it away as quickly as possible a confused expression coated her features, yet it was my turn to freeze for a moment her eyes were a gold like yellow.

Is this... Another one of my kind? Her own eyes grew wide suddenly like her entire body had frozen up as well, her pixie hair bouncing in place.

It was like she snapped out of it in one go, shaking her head frantic like. "Oh no! Totally my fault uhm are you new here? I've never seen you here before." It was like she let a soft nervous laugh out, tilting her head as she studied me a soft side smile creeping onto her features.

I let my own relaxed smile grow sinking my shoulders back as I nodded a couple times. "I am actually. I'm uhm I'm Dusk it's nice to meet you." I held out my hand for her which she took in her own shaking it softly a couple times.

Lets hope my body heat doesn't fade and be replaced with coldness was all I could think blinking behind the glasses I didn't even need with my excellent sight.

"Dusk? Well welcome to Forks. I'm Alice Cullen." She beamed a small little bounce in her step, as she stepped towards me more. "What's your first class?" She seemed interested, leaving me to clear my throat for a moment.

"History room 209." I answered watching her grin increase even more as she spoke quickly.

"Oh that's amazing then! You have it with my brother and me, I'll show you the way." She was an energetic little thing looping her arm through my own, ignoring the many stares from others in the hall she started leading the way tilting her head to look at me even more.

"Your brother?" I asked confused as she nodded her head quickly.

"I have two actually then my sister Rosalie." She seemed to be beaming even more, lost in her own little world. All I could really think at the moment is that there was my kind here, actually attending school like I did.

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