Chapter Three

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Jasper's Pov
"Hey Edward can I ask a question?" I wasn't sure where to focus my eyes for the moment scanning them left and right across the entire parking lot the wet sounds of the light rain hitting down on the ground. Some times the small squeaking sound of tires.

The buzzing noise of the loud chatter and laughter shown quite early today for this dreaded day ahead of us of school. I kept my entire body leaned against the passenger side door of his Volo watching him glance at me from where he was resting on the hood his facical expressions were hard to read for the time being.

"What's the question?" I sank my shoulders down hoping to hide the pained expression for now not long before speaking the awaited question watching as her car pulled up into the parking lot. My eyes studying her form getting out with ease. I've never been more confused in my entire immortal life.

Alice's new friend was odd and thats saying a lot since Alice was uniquely odd herself.  Dusk always seemed like she was holding herself back, as if she was in her own involuntary pain, she always seemed to perk up from sounds so far. Hell she could fall asleep so fast in our history class. I just couldn't put my finger on it when I would pass by the gym class how fast her reflexes were when she was playing volleyball or indoor soccer.

"Have you noticed that Alice's friend Dusk is like... The most human like vampire you've ever met?" The look of confusion that went across his face making him look away from watching Bella around her truck, at least I had his attention for now.

"I think I've never heard those words before but explain." I lifted my hand up for a moment to brush it across my cheeks, speaking casually moving to join him sitting on the hood with him.

"A few weeks ago when I met her for the first time. Usually around everyone it's painful I wanna drink them. Around Dusk it wasn't like that. As crazy as it may sound. I think she's my mate... At the very same time she's clumsy stumbles, falls asleep in class.  But other times I swear I can see her eyes shifting." A moment lingered of silence before Edward tilted his head towards me speaking casually biting at his thumb a couple times.

"Are you sure you aren't imagining this Jasper?" The frown across my face should have been enough for him to tell that I was serious.

"I'm as serious as you whining about trying to drain Bella's blood." I held back a small smirk at the glare he left me, before he was quick to nudge me making me confused my body tensed up for a moment my eyes rounded listening as she spoke to me. I didn't even hear her coming. How odd...

"Hey Jasper here's your notes you let me borrow. I apologize I fall asleep a lot." She flashed me a sheepish smile handing over the bright red notebook towards me, our fingers touching in the process.

"Oh it's no problem Dusk, thank you for getting back so quickly to me." I gave her a small smile watching her pull her hands back there it goes again the warmth slightly fading to be a small flicker of cold. She smiled my way brushing back her curls away from her dark brown skin, her hair wasn't straightened this time and I fairly enjoyed the sight of the large curls, and her rounded brown eyes behind grey frames.

She turned her head to flash Edward a smile which he returned her way. After muttering  a quick and soft goodbye under her breath she had spun around making her way back to head into the school.

"Okay I can admit her aura is a bit off.. So is her blood flow it's like.. Calming I think. I also noticed you don't seem to freak out around her." I sighed pinching at the bridge of my nose for a harsh moment speaking.

"I can't smell anything from her blood like at all. There's no urge to drink, but her scent is nice." I muttered lowly, feeling a few pats across my shoulder blades had me dropping my fingers from holding my nose.

"That rules out bloodsinger, she could be your mate Jasper. I just can't put my finger on it.. Alice never befriends anyone maybe we are looking too deep into it." It was a little rational that Edward was thinking that way, but that's only because he almost attacked a human himself.

I looked back to where Dusk had been standing moments before wondering if I imagined behind those brown eyes of her the golden hues that I could sense.

Far From Dusk »» Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now