Chapter Two

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Dusk's Pov
My first day I could say was interesting for such a quiet rain filled town the students sure did like to gossip like the whole entire day. Seems I wasn't the only new student, there was another Bella Swan it seems half of my class days were spent passed out sleep on my desk, like half way through history I had fallen asleep in history.

I remember Alice was sitting next to me and had shook me so quickly exclaiming and asking if I was alright. I was of course slightly confused since her and her brother seemed lost in talk, I just reassured her I was okay and fell right back asleep.

Although I was curious the entire day hearing all about the Cullens this and that. It was mostly people thinking they were strange cause of how beautiful they look, how they were all adopted and all.

By the next day, I'm glad I wasn't the full talk of the school anymore, walking into the lunch room, I guess light food would do for today, till I got a feel of how to hunt here, grabbing two apples and a water bottle I made my way to sit in one of the table near the car sides corner plopping down into the seat with a heavy sigh.

I was so close to just falling asleep there when my ears caught sound of Alice's voice, all the way across the table where she would sit with her family.

"Come on Jasper! I have someone new I want you to meet, you'd really like her?"

"Alice why on earth would I come with you to sit with a human, when I barely can control myself as it is?"

"Just come on, she's my new friend she's in our history class?"

"The one who fell asleep?"

"Her thoughts are so... I don't even know to describe them. I've never seen a human only think about sleep so much." I held back a small smile, suddenly interested. But I held back the thought, I think his gift is reading minds and as cool as it sounded didn't need my inner monologues known.

I was dazed for a moment before I glanced up when the chairs scraped roughly against the floor I glanced up for a moment relaxing at the sight of Alice beaming as she plopped down, forcing the curly blonde hair male to sit down as he shot her a look with a small glare.

"Hi there Dusk, how are you enjoying everything?" She asked me interested placing her fist under her chin squinting her eyes at me. I smiled her way, setting my little snacks to the side for a moment placing them inside my backpack.

"Pretty good, and this must be one of your brothers correct?" She nodded her head at lightening speed at me, placing a hand on his arm, she gestured towards me, and then to him with an even brighter smile. Oh did enjoy her bubbly energy made you feel more positive.

"Yes he is in our history class. The one who knows like all the answers Jasper, Jasper this is Dusk my new friend." She grinned, Jasper looked uncomfortable to say the least, shuffling around in place in his seat it took him such a quick minute before he looked into my eyes which I returned giving him a soft stare in return.

Before I felt my body felt oddly more warm than usual. Almost like I was overheating before I felt the familiar ice cold sensation take over my body. It was from looking into his eyes I felt calm, I felt protected in a way. I felt this need to be around him. Is this that uh.. Damn what did she tell me.. A mate? Yeah that.

His own golden eyes grew in size for a split second, the uncomfortable expression faded from his face. I cleared my throat gently giving him my hand to shake.

"It's nice to meet you Jasper." He snapped out of it for a moment taking my hand in his own his thumb pressing over the top rubbing at it a couple times, giving my hand a soft shake to my hand squeezing lightly.

"Uhm likewise Dusk." I wanted to giggle at his little southern accent, Alice kept her hands under her chin looking between us with ease her own features relaxing a bit.

"So Dusk, where did you move from if I can ask?" She questioned nudging the hell out of Jasper who seemed to be studying me quite a lot with this look of confusion all around his face.

"I lived in Florida." I answered gently rubbing my fingers across my palm for a moment, nodding a few times, glancing back up to focus on Jasper, his gaze was so oddly calming for someone who looked like they were in the pain the entire time they were in class.

"Would you two excuse me for a moment? I need some fresh air." I apologized my head felt cloudy all of suddenly, sending them both a smile telling Jasper a quiet goodbye scooping up my backpack up, I pushed opened the door leading outside just to hear Jasper speaking to Alice in a soft tone.

"Alice.. That was so strange her temperature went from being super warm to ice cold like ours in less than a second.."

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