Chapter Five

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Dusk's Pov
I was a little impatient, I was running through with a little excitement since it wasn't a total lost cost that there were more of my kind everywhere. After some banter back and forth with me and Edward exclaiming at one another the whole trip back down to their home.

He was unlocking the front door with a motion allowing for me to enter in front my head, tilting up to observe all the little details. So many windows but then again the sun rarely shined here in Forks.

"Hey guys I brought a friend!" I held back a tiny smile, locking my hands to rest behind my back rocking a couple times on my shoes still tilting my well view eyes at all the details, hearing a small squeak was hear as something or more of someone was rushing down the large status with her vampire speed.

I manage to catch her, when she launched at me.  A soft laugh leaving me using my own speed to hug her giggling form back.

"It's nice to see you too Alice." I pretend to strain out setting her down carefully onto her feet.  She pulled back away to look at me in amazement leaning herself in close as of she couldn't hear it at first.

"Hi Dusk, wow that's a heartbeat like I only hear them at school." She laughed a melodic like giggle of amazement using one hand to slightly cover her mouth in disbelief. I found my own eyes gazing at her with a smile holding back a chuckle.

"Yeah my power does a really good job of mimicking a heartbeat and blood flown, it's been quite useful for some time." I smiled glancing back towards Edward's form, seeing he was leaning against the wall with a curious spark in his eyes watching the both of us before he blurted out with a head nod and a slight smile.

"Her and Jasper are mates so like where is everyone?"

"I'm not like an idiot Edward I saw her in one of my many many of visions."

I hated how under a lot of eyes all of a sudden I had became nervous, maybe a little unprepared to meet more vampires. Esme and Carlisle were nice enough to explain the pretty basics of covens to me.

Rosalie and Emmett seemed a little more amazed by my power. After some talks in the kitchen and greetings from the others, me and Jasper were left in one another's presence sitting at the up right counter tops staring at one another.

"So you are my mate Dusk?"

"So I hear you are racist Jasper?" I snickered roughly at the shock expression that took over his golden eyes fast, his hand falling from under his chin, clearing his throat roughly you could clearly heat how quick his southern accent had came out when he was turning his body to face me.

"I- I wasn't exactly the best person in my past human life, but I promise you Dusk I respect you as a whole and just..." I coughed out the hardest sounding laugh, shaking with each giggle.  My palms moved to hold at my face for a moment speaking through my muffled speech.

"Relax Jasper, I'm just teasing you. I just thought it was funny since it was the first thing Edward said when we were mates. As long as you don't hate crime me now we are fine." He looked down almost embarrassed like rubbing his fingers under his chin. I found my eyes following him, carefully rubbing my fingers under my own chin.

I reached out using my speed to grab at his cold hand startling him in that moment, I just pressed his open palm towards were my fake heartbeat was, both our hold eyes locking with one another in sync.

"I want you to be like relaxed with me Jasper, as mates we can you know take things slow, this heartbeat isn't real. Neither is the blood flow it just makes me appear that way so be yourself around me and I'll be myself as well." He looked down towards were his hand was in place, blinking those eyes of his a couple times.

Before a single chuckle left from him quietly watching a little startled as he leaned his head in close to press his temple over were his hand was resting in place.

"Even if it's not a real heartbeat it's beautiful darling." My own shocked smile impressed over my face finding myself shutting my eyes resting my chin on top of his head securing him into a sudden hug, keeping him closer to me. He didn't even seem to perk up when a loud crashing sound had rang through out the entire living room.

"Oh wow nice going Emmett! You can't spy for shit!"

"You pushed into me Rose!"

Far From Dusk »» Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now