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It was the day after New Year, and Maria was sitting at the couch of her aunt Alondra's living room. She was playing with her new cellphone, having already downloaded a couple of games and some of the social media apps.

Patiently waiting for Carlos to call her as he usually did once he got off work. Just as he had predicted, both his uncle and dad had made him start to work at his uncle's furniture store as soon as he arrived to the city leaving him with no time to try and visit Maria at her aunt's house.

Even with out Carlos visiting her, Maria had enjoyed her time at her aunt's house. The thing she liked the most was seeing her mother's genuine smile most of the time because of her sister's company. The second being her aunt flower shop, it was a beauty. It had Maria mesmerized from the first time seeing how her aunt could create the most beautiful flower arrangements even when using the most simple flowers. For Maria it was nothing short from creating art.

Aside from that, Maria had realized she loved her aunt's fun personality. The last time she had seen her aunt she was in a miserable marriage being just a house wife. Now divorced and with her own business, her aunt had flourished, just like her flowers, into a fun and beautiful lady.

Now, she was just sitting and waiting for Carlos' phone call, not sure if she was ready to go back. To go back to the reality of having to go school, of having to go back to her house where Alonzo was waiting for them. Maria shuddered, at least she had her friend and boyfriend to look forward to seeing. Only one more day, and she would be traveling back home with her mom.

Looking at the time, she realized this time Carlos was taking longer than usual to call her. Something in her heart stopped for a second, but then realizing she was being childish she scolded herself and getting up went to the kitchen were her mom and aunt were having a conversation reminiscing their childhood antics. Laughs echoed in the kitchen and Maria smiled.

"Did your mom ever told you the story when she jumped into a lake with out knowing how to swim? " her aunt asked her as soon as she saw her entering the kitchen. " I had to jump in and drag her out by the hair"

" Well it didn't look as deep as it was" her mom defensively said as she laughed again. Maria shook her head, she could imagine the scene, her mother almost drowning while her aunt was just pulling her out of the water by the hair while yelling at her for being so careless.

Thinking the she would've like to have meet that carefree side of her mother, she sat at a stool that was near the island that was in the middle of the kitchen and placed her phone on top of it.

Soon, Maria started to get involved in the stories her mom and aunt were retelling, and with out noticing time had passed and was soon past midnight. Noticing the time, the two ladies said good night, and sent Maria to the guest room where she was sleeping by herself. Her mother and aunt had chosen to share the same room trying to spent together as much time as they could.

Once she was laying on the bed, with sleep evading her, Maria wondered if the feeling of dread that started to settle on her was real or she was simply exaggerating. She had noticed for the last couple of days something in Carlos' demeanor had changed, but she couldn't quite figure out what it was.

" Did you find some else?" Maria asked the silence of her room, " Did you find that city girls are more fun, better than me?"

The fear that she was trying to avoid feeling started to settle with more weight in her heart. Closing her eyes and trying to put her mind at ease she decided to force herself to fall asleep.

Something must have worked, with out feeling that any time had really passed, she soon found herself waking up to the sound of her cellphone.

"Hello..." she answered with a drowsy voice with out paying attention as to who was calling her so early on the morning.

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