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Once in her room, Maria started to question herself. What if what she had experienced was really an interaction with a ghost? As soon as those thoughts crossed her mind, she would laugh at herself. He was not ghost, he was real enough. He was maybe just a bit weird.

" I hope I can see him again tomorrow, " she told herself. "Maybe I'll try to cross through the cemetery again."

When she thought of that, she laughed once more, if she was able to see him only when being at the cemetery she would really think he was nothing but a ghost. She would have to try to see him in other places around town.

Being shy, as she was, she knew she would not have the courage to ask around town, or to any of her friends, if they had seen or heard about the mysterious new guy. Someone so different, so handsome, was bound to get noticed by others. She would have to wait and see if someone said something.

With those thoughts on mind, Maria got ready for the night, after locking her door, and making sure everything was on hand, she relaxed into her bed. She soon found herself falling into a peaceful sleep.

The next day she was woken up by her crow, whom had shamelessly flown inside her room and perched itself on top of her desk. The crow overserved her intensely as she got ready for school, patiently waiting for her to finish. For some reason Maria felt weird changing her clothes in front of the bird and decided to change in her bathroom.

The bird was still there waiting for her when she finished. It was the first time it had been inside her bedroom for so long, just waiting, it usually just flew in and out her room for short periods of time.

"Well," she told the crow once she was ready, feeling as she always did somewhat weird for talking to it as if it could understand her. " wait for me outside? "

Surprising her, the crow flew out of her room, and perched itself on top of the small gate in front of her house. It seemed that it was not Maria's imagination, the bird could actually understand her.

She had never let the crow fly in the rest of the house, only allowing it to be in her room. Maria went down stairs and after saying good morning to her mother a grabbing something quick for breakfast she started to walk towards her school.

As soon as she walked out of the small garden that adorned the front yard of her house, the crow flew to her shoulder. Maria grabbed an apple and started to cut it in little pieces feeding it to her unusual friend.

" Yesterday you left me," she said reproachfully to her pet crow, " but thanks to that I think I meet someone." The crow just looked at her and continued to chew on his apple.

The crow accompanied her all the way until the end of the ally. Once they reached the end of that ally, the bird took flight and disappeared inside the walls of the cemetery. Maria was grateful for that, she didn't think it would make a good sight to be walking around town with a crow sitting on her shoulder. Maria laughed at her thought.

Soon she found herself at school, surrounded by her friends. The last semester of school had started and she couldn't be more excited about it. She still didn't know what she wanted to do after school. College was definitely out of the table, it was expensive and her mom's grocery store only made enough money to pay the bills.

So far Maria had a few options, one was to move to the city with Luz, and a couple of other friends and try their luck at being totally independent. The other option, and the one that she thought was the most reasonable one, was to move to the city with her aunt. The last option, the one she liked the least but seemed the most feasible one, was to just simply stay in town and help her mother full time with the store.

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