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Seconds later they both were sitting on top of the thick branch that was just right in front of Maria's room. They both looked at each other and laughed, by the end of their climbing it had turned a bit into a race to see who could get there faster. Maria, being the one that climbed the tree more often, was the first one to get to the top.

" I win!" She said happily, and stuck her tongue out at Adrian in a playful manner.

" You did!" He said, and then with out warning he leaned towards Maria and kisses her on the lips. It was a small peck, but Maria was still able to feel the fire that ignited within her body.

"Wha...? Why?" She asked confused and embarrassed at the same time.

" Your price for winning." He simply stated, as if giving Maria a kissed had been a normal thing to do.

"Oh!" She exclaimed, not knowing what else to say, she knew her face was probably red, and was grateful once again for the darkness of the evening. " Well, I think is time to go inside, before my mom gets here and sees me on top of the tree with some guys. Will you excuse me please? " She asked Adrian.

When they were climbing the tree somehow Adrian had been the one to end up closest to window. Now, in order for Maria to climb through the window, she had to either go around Adrian, or climb on top of him. She did not want to do that, it would make her be way to close to him. To Maria's astonishment, even when in the dark she saw Adrian's smirk, as he signaled for her to climb on top of him to get to window.

"Sacred? " He teased, when Maria was about to give up and just climb down the tree. His words made her stop. He was daring her. She did not want to loose a dare. Or was it that deep inside she wanted to be that close to him. She thought that if a simple peck on the lips made her body flame up, she could not even imagine how it would feel to be more close to him, more intimate... No, she did not want to have those kind of thoughts, not towards someone she had just met. It was inappropriate.

"Well if I make you fall don't blame me." She told him, more as a way to at least have a little bit of defiance than because she really thought he could fall.

Maria moved close to Adrian, and then deciding that facing him would be better than to give him her back, she crossed first her left leg across Adrian, who was just sitting there calmly. Now it looked as if she was straddling him, but just for a second, as she quickly moved the rest of her body to the other side. Now that she was close to the window, she quickly opened it and jumped inside her room. She wanted to get away from that embarrassing situation as fast as possible.

After a couple of steps to steady herself, Maria turned around with the intention to day good night to her new friend, whom she thought was still sitting out on the tree. To her surprise, as she turned around, she crashed into Adrian, who had decided to invite himself inside the room. Maria did not know if she should be concerned or embarrassed.

"Oops!" Said Adrian when Maria crashed into him. He gently grabbed her by waist to help her to not fall, as he did that he brought her body closer to him. Maria's body ignited once more. The fire she felt inside her body because of his touch, Maria was sure would not be able to easily put out.

She was wrong. Adrian gently grabbed her chin and lifted it, he looked into her eyes, something indescribable showed in his eyes. Some time of desire that was completely unknown to Maria. The way he looked at her was different, she had never been looked at like that before, with si much desire. Not even by Carlos, he always looked at her full of love, admiration, maybe a bit of concern, some desire, but not this much.

Slowly, but with out hesitation, Adrian closed the gap between them and kissed Maria fully. It wasn't a sweet kiss, like the ones she often received by Carlos. This kiss was full of passion, fire, desire. This kiss was hard, strong, she felt as if she was being devoured, and Maria liked that feeling. She returned the kissed with all her might, getting lost in the feeling, not caring if it was appropriate, to fast or wrong.

Maria knew she was not going to let things escalate, even when her body was on fire, and enjoying getting lost in this "forbidden" kiss, her mind was clear. After a moment, seconds or minutes later, she wasn't sure, she slowly started to retreat. A smile was plastered all over her face, she had always heard stories about the other girls. Girls that sneaked around with boys their families didn't approve off, she heard that. She had always judged those girls for making poor decisions, but now Maria could tell why they did them. The adrenaline was incomparable.

" Sorry.." Adrian started to say " I didn't mean to... not so soon, but I been waiting for so long, I couldn't stop myself" he clumsy explained.

"What you mean you have been waiting for so long? " Maria asked confused, the fire in her body starting to appease. " We just met." She reminded him.

" I meant that I been waiting for a girl like you for a such a long time, longer than you can imagine. Now that I am here, with you, after all this days, not knowing if I would have the courage to talk to you in this form, the control just slipped from me."

" Have you ready been following me around for days? " Maria asked incredulously, trying to sound a little bit accusatory. She knew she should feel a least a little bit scared of the situation, but something about it attracted her. Maybe it was the mysterious, the forbidden of the situation. Maria never got that sensation with Carlos, he did sneaked inside her room, but in reality it never really mattered. Maria's mom always knew the type of relationship that Carlos and her had, and accepted it. Carlos was a good person, and she couldn't imagine anyone better than him to be with her daughter.

" Not following," he chuckled " more like observing"

" Oh okay," Maria responded, stepping away from him and sitting on her bed.

" Am I scaring you? " He suddenly asked, worry reflected on his face. Adrian stared to walk towards Maria to sit by her, then deciding against it, he turned around and went to sit on top of the desk that was on her room. " Am I going to fast? "

Maria chuckled when she saw the spot he choose to sit. With his dark hair and dark eyes, sitting there just looking at her, Adrian instantly reminded her of the crow. It always choose that same spot.

" You not scaring me. " Maria said firmly as she thought that maybe she should be scared. Why wasn't she more scared? " But you are going way to fast. I don't mind the kiss, but the way you were kissing me it was just too..." she struggled to fin the words.

" I understand," he said, his voice calm, his eyes never leaving hers " I know I am basically a stranger, and to be honest there are things about me that you don't know. I want you to know them, I won't hide anything from you . I will have no secrets, I will be an open book, no matter hoe crazy you will think I am. With time you will get to know all of who am I."

Maria laughed at his words. Adrian looked to be a little offended " I am not laughing at what you just said" Maria quickly tried to explain herself as to no offend Adrian even more "just the way you talked it sounded so... mysterious... as if you had a secret that would scare me completely out of my wits"

" Who knows" Adrian asked, this time he was laughing too " for all you know I may be a crazy person. I mean, I do walk barefoot "

" I don't care if you are crazy," Maria stated firmly, as she decided she really did not care. Looking at Adrian, calmly sitting on top of her desk, she decided that she was going to try and enjoy whatever this was. After all, she thought with a pang on her heart, she needed to distract herself from the hurt she still felt. Carlos was still present in her heart, and that was still painful. Maybe the universe had sent this strange boy to help her forget about Carlos, and she was going to accept this gift. " as long as it doesn't affect me, what ever you are, who ever you are, I am here for the ride."

" I like to hear that , I promise you will not regret it. " Adrian said to her before jumping of the desk and approaching her once more. He sat by Maria, and closing the distance between them, started to kiss her once more as he gently pushed her toward the bed. Obediently Maria closed her eyes, and let her body and herself enjoy the kiss and all those feelings that came with it.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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